
Python SDK for Spotify Web API

MIT License


Python SDK for Spotify Web API

This library is still a work in progress.

This is a Python library for the Spotify Web API. This SDK is very simple to use if you are already familiar with the typescript SDK provided by Spotify. It takes a lot of help from there.

Endpoints currently available

  • albums
  • artists
  • audiobooks
  • browse
  • chapters
  • episodes
  • markets
  • playlists
  • recommendations
  • search
  • shows
  • tracks
  • users


  • python 3.9 or higher

Using this in your project

You can install this package using pip:

pip install spotify-py-sdk

or using poetry:

poetry add spotify-py-sdk

Running the example provided

First install the dependencies (make sure you have poetry installed):

poetry install

Create a .env file in the root directory with your client_id and client_secret. Refer the .env.example file for reference.


Now run the file to get results back from the web api:


Create a client instance

Currently, we only have client credentials flow for authentication. If you're building a server side application, you should use Client Credentials Flow, and is the correct choice when you have both your Client ID and Client Secret available.

from spotify-py-sdk import SpotifyApi, SdkConfig
from dotenv import load_dotenv

config = SdkConfig() # optional; can create custom methods
api: SpotifyApi = SpotifyApi(os.getenv("CLIENT_ID"), os.getenv("CLIENT_SECRET"), config)

Once you have an authenticated instance of the SDK, you can make requests to the Spotify Web API by using the methods exposed on the client instance of the API."purpose", ["album"])

Running the tests

To run the tests, you need to have a Spotify account.

You will need to create a new app in the Spotify Developer portal, and add a redirect URI of http://localhost:3000.

You will need to add the following environment variables:


You can run the tests using pytest. We support python-dotenv, so you can add these to a .env file in the root of the repository.

To run all tests:


To run a specific test.

pytest tests/endpoints/