
A website utilizing Spotify web API to transfer playback from a queue into a shareable pool.

OTHER License



A pool-based playback system around Spotify.

This started a course project for LUT course "Running a Software Project". The project was converted into an OSS project after the course ended.

Running the project

The suggested way of running the project is with docker compose. For configuring the docker compose runtime, you should use environment variables and secret files.

Set up environment variables

The used environment variables can be seen from the example.env file. For normal local development you can simply copy the file and rename the copy into .env. The values in example.env are good defaults and the application should work fine using them. There should be no need to change the values unless you specifically want to experiment with different settings.

The full list of environment variable meanings can be seen by combining client/ section setting up the environments and server/ section Running the server.

There are some notable change for docker compose running for server environment variables. The first one is the splitting of the DATABASE_CONNECTION_URL. Instead, the env file contains variables POSTGRES_USER, POSTGRES_PASSWORD, POSTGRES_DB and DATABASE_PORT. These are used to configure the docker container running PostgreSQL and then combined to form the database connection url that is fed to the server. For local development these can thus be anything and can be left as their default values. The variables controlling auto-reload, the host and the port are also not present. Instead, variables BACKEND_PORT and FRONTEND_PORT control which ports docker exposes for the backend and the frontend respectively.

Set up secrets

If running the application with docker compose, you should store your spotify application secrets in secret files in the repository root.

The secrets should reside in the files secret_spotify_client_id.txt and secret_spotify_client_secret.txt. Add the files into the repository root and fill them with your spotify app credentials. You need to get these secrets from Spotify. See more about these secrets in server/


To run the project after you have set up the secrets and environment variables.

docker compose up -d

This might take some time. You can check the health of the backend by navigating to localhost:8080/health. This includes the database health. If the application is fully functional, the return value should look something like follows:

    "status": "HEALTHY",
    "time_elapsed": "PT0.046225S",
    "resources": [
            "status": "HEALTHY",


For developing and running server and client locally without docker compose see client/ and server/


Please see our contribution guidelines if you are interested in contributing to the project.