
SQLAlchemy extension for attaching images to entities.

MIT License



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SQLAlchemy-ImageAttach is a SQLAlchemy_ extension for attaching images to entity objects. It provides the following features:

Storage backend interface You can use file system backend on your local development box, and switch it to AWS S3_ when it's deployed to the production box. Or you can add a new backend implementation by yourself.

Maintaining multiple image sizes Any size of thumbnails can be generated from the original size without assuming the fixed set of sizes. You can generate a thumbnail of a particular size if it doesn't exist yet when the size is requested. Use RRS_ (Reduced Redundancy Storage) for reproducible thumbnails on S3.

Every image has its URL Attached images can be exposed as a URL.

SQLAlchemy transaction aware Saved file are removed when the ongoing transaction has been rolled back.

Tested on various environments

  • Python versions: Python 2.7, 3.3 or higher, PyPy_
  • DBMS: PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite
  • SQLAlchemy: 0.9 or higher (tested on 0.9 to 1.1; see CI as well)

.. _SQLAlchemy: http://www.sqlalchemy.org/ .. _S3: https://aws.amazon.com/s3/ .. _RRS: https://aws.amazon.com/s3/reduced-redundancy/ .. _PyPy: http://pypy.org/


It's available on PyPI_:

.. code-block:: console

$ pip install SQLAlchemy-ImageAttach

.. _PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/SQLAlchemy-ImageAttach/