"Fuzzy matching" for SQLite databases

APACHE-2.0 License


SQUID (SQLite Unknown Identifier)

"Fuzzy matching" for SQLite databases (presentation from OSDFCon about SQUID)

SQUID (SQLite Unknown Identifier) is a tool that compares unknown SQLite databases to a catalog of 'known' databases to find exact and near matches. Even if a program updates and its database structure changes, there's a good chance SQUID will be able to identify it as related to that application.

SQUID is made up of a Python script (squid.py) and a SQLite file of known databases (catalog.sqlite).


Scan a folder of carved SQLite databases to determine what application they are associated with:

C:\squid.py --compare "C:\carving\recovered_SQLite_DBs"

Scan a user's AppData folder to locate interesting databases and name the report:

C:\squid.py --compare "C:\Users\Ryan\AppData" --output "Ryan_AppData"

Scan iOS backups and save the report to a different drive:

C:\squid.py --compare "C:\Users\Ryan\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup" --output "X:\Reports\Ryan_iOS_Backups"

Teach SQUID about a new version of Chrome:

C:\squid.py --learn "C:\Users\Ryan\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default" --program "Google Chrome" --version "47" --family "Web Browser"

Command Line Options:

Option Description
-c or --compare Compare to catalog of known databases. If -c points to a file, just that file will be compared. If -c points to a directory, the contents of that directory and all subdirectories will be scanned and compared.
-o or --output File name of XLSX report (without extension) with match details. If -o is not given, the file will be named "SQUID Matches (YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MM-SS)"
-l or --learn Learn the structure of the indicated database(s) and add to catalog. If -l points to a file, just that single database will be added. If -l points to a directory, the contents of that directory will be scanned and added. Subdirectories will NOT be added.
-n or --name Name of the database from --learn. If -n is not given, the name of SQLite file from -l will be entered in the catalog.
-f or --family Program Family (Web Browser, Chat, etc). Use with --learn
-p or --program Program the database is associated with. Use with --learn
-v or --version Version of the program the database is associated with. Use with --learn


XlsxWriter (pip install xlsxwriter)