
Learn step-by-step to create a video membership site like using Django 1.10 and Bootstrap. Video content is taking over all content on the web so it's time to build a system that allows you share videos with the world. Let's do this!

MIT License


Srvup 2 | Video Membership

Learn step-by-step to create a video membership site like using Django 1.10 and Bootstrap.

Video content is taking over all content on the web so it's time to build a system that allows you share videos with the world. Let's do this!

Watch it here


Lecture Code

  1. Introduction

  2. Walkthrough

  3. Setup & Requirements

  4. On Versions

  5. Github

6 - Virtualenv & Django Setup

7 - First App & Model

8 - Admin & Create Super User

9 - Making Model Changes

10 - Customize the Admin

11 - Setup Views

12 - Views & Urls

13 - Loading Templates

14 - Context Basics

15 - Context in Generic Views

16 - Template Inheritance

17 - Video Detail View

18 - SlugField & Slug Lookups

19 - Auto Generate Slugs with Signals

20 - Override Get Object or Get Queryset

21 - Django Model Form

22 - Get Absolute URL

23 - Delete & Update View

24 - Video Search View

25 - Member Required Mixin

26 - Serving Static Files

27 - Course Setup Part 1

28 - Urls inside Apps

29 - Course Setup Part 2

30 - Migrate Courses App

31 - MultipleObjectsReturned

32 - Create Unique Slug

33 - Form Validation

34 - Minor Bootstrap Additions

35 - Lecture Model

36 - Add Lecture to Admin

37 - Unique Lecture Slugs

38 - Lecture Detail View

39 - Dynamic Values for Foreign Key Fields

40 - Django PositionField

41 - Django PositionField Part 2

42 - Display Price

43 - My Courses

44 - Prefetch Related

45 - Manager & QuerySet method for Prefetch Related

46 - One Click Purchase

47 - Categories App

48 - Category List Groups

49 - Prefetch Related Course

50 - Annotate Secondary Categories

51 - Category Video

52 - Render Video Template Tag

53 - Course Image Field

54 - List Display Courses

55 - Override Category Context Data

56 - Update Course Detail View Style

57 - Lecture View Ownership

58 - Lecture Free Preview

59 - Copy QuerySet Values

60 - Update Course List Display

61 - Pagination

62 - Category Display Counts

63 - Search App

64 - Basic Search Results

65 - Complex Lookups with Q

66 - Search Template Tag

67 - Improve Navigation

68 - Style Paginatinor

69 - Featured Category on Homepage

70 Analytics App