
Try Django 2.2 is step-by-step to build a modern, fully open-source, Blog web application using Python, Django, Bootstrap, Javascript, and more.

MIT License


Getting Started


  • Python 3.6 & up
  • Virtual Environment (pipenv or virtualenv)

Recommended Prerequisites

1. Setup your System

2. Create Virtual Environment & Install Django

cd /path/to/dev/folder
mkdir try_django
cd try_django
pipenv --python 3.6 install django==2.2
pipenv shell

Don't have pipenv? Check out this guide

3. Create Django Project

cd /path/to/dev/folder
mkdir src
cd src
django-admin startproject try_django .

4. Setup Project in Sublime Text

I've used Sublime Text for a long time. This is optional but recommended as you work through the videos. Download it on

Reference & Guides

Code by Lesson

1 - 4 no reference code

5 - Define a View

6 - A First URL Mapping

7 - Multiple Views

8 - path vs re_path vs url

9 - Your First Template

10 - Loading a HTML Template

11 - Add Bootstrap

12 - Render Context in Templates

13 - Stay DRY with Templates

14 - Rendering Any Kind of Template

15 - Template Context Processors

16 - Built In Template Tags

17 - Your First App

18 - Save to the Database

19 - Model to Django Admin

20 - Model in a View

21 - Dynamic URL-based Lookups

22 - Handling Dynamic URL Errors

23 - Get Object or 404

24 - A New Database Lookup Value

25 - QuerySet Lookups

26 - A Unique Slug

27 - CRUD and Views

28 - CRUD View Outline

29 - Blog Post List View

30 - Routing the Views

32 - In App Templates

33 - Submit Raw HTML Form

34 - A Django Form

35 - Saving Data from a Django Form

36 - Model Form

37 - Validate Data on Fields

38 - Login Required

39 - Associate Blog Post to a User with Foreign Keys

40 - Logged In User & Forms

41 - Update View with Model Form

42 - Better Validation on Update Views

43 - Delete and Confirm

44 - Blog Post Navigation

45 - Include the Navbar

46 - Include with Arguments

47 - An Included Template for Consistent Design

48 - Publish Date, Timestamp & Updated

49 - Model Managers and Custom QuerySets

50 - Published and Draft Posts

51 - Static Files and Uploading Files

52 - Image Field and Uploading Images

53 - Putting it All Together

54 - Complex Lookups

Extracted from project README
Try Django 2.2 tutorial
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