
Streamlit Google Authentication with FastAPI + Access token in Cookie in Terraform GCP Compute Engine


Streamlit Google Authentication with FastAPI + Access token in Cookie

All in GCP Compute Engine (Terraform version)

Disclaimer: This is a proof-of-concept for preserving Google user login in Streamlit 1.37+ using cookies. I haven't 100% verified the security+legal best practices for storing access_tokens in a HTTP-only secure cookie, please double-check with your respective teams.

Create OAuth 2 Credentials in GCP

Head to GCP Console, use a GCP Project with billing enabled.

  • In APIs and services > OAuth consent screen:

    • configure email, links on first page.
    • in Scopes second page, add OpenID Connect scopes: openid, ../auth/userinfo.profile and .../auth/
      • If you enabled the Calendar API (either by typing it in search bar or from APIs and services >Enabled APIs and Services), add the .../auth/ to ask the user for Calendar authorization
  • add tests users in 3rd page

  • In APIs and services > Credentials, create a OAuth 2.0 Web Client ID and download it as a JSON file client_secret.json to the root of the project. We will copy it later to the VM.

    • As authorised redirect URIs, I added https://fastapi.example.test/oauth2callback, our own FastAPI callback endpoint.

Generate GCP Infrastructure with Terraform

gcloud and terraform should be installed. Actually you could do this in Cloud Shell as long as you clone the project.

Create terraform/terraform.tfvars for project metadata with the following content:

project_id = "PROJECT-ID"
region     = "REGION"
zone       = "ZONE"
machine    = "e2-micro"

Run the following commands to build infrastructure:

cd terraform
gcloud auth application-default login
gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID

terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply

The IP for the VM is printed by terraform output in sandbox-vm-web-url key. Update your DNS records to point your fastapi.example.test and streamlit.example.test domain names to said IP address. For example in Cloudflare:

Install Caddy in VM

SSH in VM:

Run the following commands to install Caddy:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y debian-keyring debian-archive-keyring apt-transport-https curl
curl -1sLf '' | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/caddy-stable-archive-keyring.gpg
curl -1sLf '' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/caddy-stable.list

sudo apt update
sudo apt install caddy

To check Caddy status & logs:

systemctl status caddy
journalctl -u caddy --no-pager | less +G

Edit Caddy configuration in /etc/caddy/Caddyfile. Replace domain names accordingly, then reload Caddy proxy:

sudo tee /etc/caddy/Caddyfile > /dev/null <<EOF
streamlit.example.test {
    reverse_proxy localhost:8501

fastapi.example.test {
    reverse_proxy localhost:8000
sudo systemctl restart caddy

Install UV in VM

Run the following command in the VM to install UV: curl -LsSf | sh

Configure App Secrets in VM

Still in the VM, clone project and install dependencies:

git clone
uv sync

Edit Streamlit secrets with matching client_id and client_secret from OAuth 2 Client:

mkdir .streamlit
cat <<EOF > .streamlit/secrets.toml

Upload client_secret.json to VM:

cat <<EOF > client_secret.json

Run Apps

...I was a little too lazy to put those in an env file, so don't forget to edit and for your domain names instead of example.test.

I prefer to run Streamlit and FastAPI in 2 separate foreground console:

uv run -- streamlit run
uv run -- fastapi run

Head to https://sandbox.example.test and https://fastapi.example.test.

HTTP Ports are also open if you want to debug your apps without going through Caddy HTTPS, by heading to http://EXTERNAL_IP:8501/ for Streamlit and http://EXTERNAL_IP:8000/ for FastAPI. You are free to close those firewall ports after debug in the Terraform config.

You may get Secure Connection Failed for a few minutes, wait for Caddy to pass the ACME Challenge and download the self-signed certificates.

Check Caddy logs with journalctl -u caddy --no-pager | less +G. You may restart caddy sudo systemctl restart caddy to reinit the ACME Challenge timer.

Now test Google OAuth login from https://streamlit.example.test

Clean up

When done with demo, to destroy infra: terraform destroy
