
Exploring different ways for Google Authentication in Streamlit


Local exploration of Google Authentication in Streamlit

Playing with multiple ways of authenticating through a Google account within Streamlit:



  • A Google Project. Initialize one from the GCP Console
  • A Firebase Project. To keep things tidy, create a Firebase project over the previously created GCP Project through the Firebase Console

Streamlit configuration

  • For practice's sake, enable local HTTPS for your Streamlit app
    • I ran openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -out cert.pem -keyout key.pem -days 365 in WSL2 on Windows.
    • Then moved cert.pem and key.pem to .streamlit folder at root of project
    • Finally added sslCertFile = ".streamlit/cert.pem" and sslKeyFile = ".streamlit/key.pem" to .streamlit/config.toml
sslCertFile = ".streamlit/cert.pem"
sslKeyFile = ".streamlit/key.pem"

Better use Caddy or Nginx to SSL proxify Streamlit & FastAPI

OAuth configuration

Head to GCP Console

  • In APIs and services > OAuth consent screen:

    • configure email, links on first page.
    • in Scopes second page, add OpenID Connect scopes: openid, ../auth/userinfo.profile and .../auth/
      • If you enabled the Calendar API (either by typing it in search bar or from APIs and services >Enabled APIs and Services), add the .../auth/ to ask the user for Calendar authorization
  • add tests users in 3rd page

  • In APIs and services > Credentials, create a OAuth 2.0 Web Client ID and download it as a JSON file client_secret.json to the root of the project.

    • As authorised Javascript origins, I added the local Streamlit URL: https://localhost:8501
    • As authorised redirect URIs, I added:
      • http://localhost:9000/: Flask endpoint from google-oauthlib's InstalledAppFlow.run_local_server and get_user_credentials methods
      • http://localhost:8000/auth/code and http://localhost:8000/auth/token: our own FastAPI callback endpoints
  • Copy the credentials client_id and client_secret to .streamlit/secrets.toml file

Next, head to Firebase Console

  • In Firebase Authentication > Sign-in method, enable Google Provider.
  • In Project Overview > Project Settings > Service Acctouns, generate a new private key and download JSON file as firebase_secret.json to the root of the project.
  • In Project Overview, click the Add app button, and add a Web App. After creation, copy the firebaseConfig variable into a firebase_client.json file at the root of the project.


Install Python packages: pip install -r requirements.txt


Run Streamlit multipage app: streamlit run

  • Access Streamlit app in https://localhost:8501

For pages 3 and 4, run FastAPI redirect server in parallel: fastapi dev

  • Access FastAPI OpenAPI in http://localhost:8000/docs. Visualize state of app in /sessions URI.

Page 1 & 2: google-oauthlib run_local_server

  • Good enough for local / on-premise deployments
  • Wouldn't work on Streamlit Cloud because the Flask port is not open. Create your own Docker image to expose Streamlit + Flask ports

Page 3 & 4: Catch redirect with custom FastAPI endpoint

  • Deploy FastAPI separately as authentication and session cookie management service
  • Hide both services behind reverse proxy with single URL
  • I think it's a difficult setup to maintain. FastAPI + DB session cookies to replace with Firebase Authentication or Auth0 if you don't have time for this like me...
    • When Native OAuth+OIDC, redirects and custom endpoints appear in Streamlit, this solution seems the best

Page 5 & 6: Frontend signin

  • Streamlit Component which embeds Google / Firebase signin
  • Google signin stores SIDCC cookie, Firebase uses API Keys+JWT in IndexedDB on browser to track user session
  • Because of Streamlit Component iframe embed, doesn't work in deployments because CSRF issues. Streamlit host and iframe embedding signin have different addresses.