
Write code to study Algorithm Design

MIT License



Write python code to study The Algorithm Design Manual

Data Structures & Algorithms


  • Insertion Sort
  • Selection Sort
  • Heap Sort
  • Merge Sort
  • Quick Sort
  • 3-Way Quick Sort
  • Radix Sort
  • Shell Sort


  • Heap
  • Priority Queue


  • Binary Tree
  • B-Tree
  • Trie
  • Binary Indexed Tree


  • DFS

  • BFS

  • Connected Components

  • Two Color (bipartite)

  • Finding Cycles (graph & digraph)

  • Articulation Vertices

  • Digraph DFS Orders (pre & post & reversePost)

  • Topological Sorting

  • Strongly Connected Components

  • Minimal Spanning Tree

    • Prim's Algorithm
    • Prim's Algorithm using Priority Queue
    • Kruskal's Algorithm
  • (All-Pairs) Shortest Path

    • Dijkstra's Algorithm
    • Floyd's Algorithm
  • Union Find

    • My Stupid Union Find Algorithm
    • Union Find with Path Compression and Union by Rank
  • Network Flows (not understand yet)


  • Construct All Subsets
  • Construct All Permutations
  • Construct All Paths in a Graph (from s to t)
  • Solve Sudoku (find one in leetcode)

Dynamic Programming

Algorith Design by Jon Kleinberg, Eva Trados

  • 1.1 Gale-Shapley
  • 4.1 Internal Scheduling
  • 4.8 Huffman Codes (Greedy Algorithm)
  • 4.9 Minimum-Cost Arborescences (Greedy Algorithm)
  • 5.3 Counting Inversions (Divide and Conquer)
  • 5.4 Finding the Closest Pair of Points (Divide and Conquer)

Data Structures

  • B-Tree (P.370)
  • Skip List (P.371)
  • Suffix Tree (P.377)
  • Bloom Filter (P.386)
  • Kd-Trees (P.389)
    • Quadtree or Octtree
    • BSP-tree
    • R-tree

Classic Leetcode Problems