
My solutions to programming puzzles


Training Python

I use this repository to Data structures, algorithms and my solutions to programming puzzles.

Data structures

Strings and arrays

  • Dynamic array class
  • Test for all unique chars
  • Test for all unique chars in place
  • Reverse string
  • Remove duplicate chars
  • Check two strings for being anagrams
  • String replace
  • Reverse words
  • Rotate NxN matrix in place
  • Set column and row to zero if cell in matrix is zero
  • Check if string is rotation of another

Linked lists

  • List class
  • Remove duplicates
  • Find nth last element
  • Remove node given only its object
  • Sum linked lists with one digit per node
  • Find beginning of circle

Stacks and queues

  • Stack class
  • Queue class
  • Three stacks using a single array
  • Stack that finds min in O(1)
  • Large stack using sub stacks, allowing pop on main and sub stacks
  • Solve Hanoi towers using stacks
  • Queue by using two stacks
  • Sort stack using only push, pop, peek and empty

Trees and graphs

  • Heap class
  • Binary search tree class
  • Red black tree class
  • B+ tree class
  • Trie class
  • Undirected graph class
  • Traverse a tree in depth first order
  • Traverse a tree in breadth first order using a queue
  • Traverse a tree in order using constant space
  • Directed graph class
  • Check if tree is balanced
  • Check if two nodes are connected in directed graph
  • Create balanced binary tree from sorted array
  • Get list of all nodes of depth n in a binary search tree
  • Find successor in a binary search tree with parent pointers
  • Find first common ancestor of two nodes in an unordered binary tree
  • Given two large trees, check if the first is a subtree of the second
  • Find all sub paths in a binary tree that sum up to x

Hashmaps and sets

  • Hashmap class
  • Hashset class


Bit manipulation

  • Create bit range
  • Copy bit range
  • String to float, printing error when loosing data
  • Print next smaller and larger numbers with same amount of set bits
  • Count different bits of two numbers
  • Swap every second bit with its predecessor
  • Find missing number from array of consecutive integers with just
    comparing single bits
  • Murmur hash


  • Count paths on grid with obstacles from top left to bottom right
  • Find all permutations of a string
  • Find all sub sets of a set
  • Find all proper combinations of n parentheses
  • Bucket fill
  • Count representations of a price with coins of 25, 10, 5 and 1
  • Find all chess boards with 8 queens so that they don't intersect

Sorting and searching

  • Bucket sort
  • Quick sort
  • Merge sort
  • Merge sorted arrays where the first has empty buffer at the end to hold
    the second
  • Order array so that anagrams are next to each other
  • Find in array that is sorted but has many empty elements in between
  • Find in matrix where each column and row is sorted
  • Given pairs of height and weight, compute larges tower where above is
    always both shorter and lighter


  • Of a telephone number find all letter representations from the dial pad
  • Given n vertex polygon, compute probability of collision of n randomly
    headed walkers starting at the edges
  • Subtraction, multiplication and division using plus operator
    and control flow statements
  • Find nth smallest number with only prime factors 3, 5 and 7
  • Count occurences of given digit in all numbers up to n


  • Draw animated sine wave in console

Memory limits

  • Read and write file
  • External merge sort
  • A bloom filter
  • Find integer that is not contained in a text file of 4 billion numbers


Object oriented Design

  • Design data structures for generic deck of cards
  • Design a musical juke box
  • Design a chess game
  • Design data structures for online book reader system
  • A jigsaw puzzle and solve it

System design

  • Thread pool
  • Data structure for large friend network
  • Design web crawler and avoid infinite loops
  • Write chat server and client