
Hexadecimal-Binary-Decimal converter for SublimeText 3



This package provides ability to inplace change the base of numbers in SublimeText 3 Editor.


  1. Move the cursor over a number or select one or more numbers.

  2. Press one of the following key combinations to convert the numbers.

    • Ctrl+shift+b, ctrl+shift+d binary to decimal
    • Ctrl+shift+b, ctrl+shift+h binary to hexadecimal
    • Ctrl+shift+d, ctrl+shift+b binary to decimal
    • Ctrl+shift+d, ctrl+shift+h binary to hexadecimal
    • Ctrl+shift+h, ctrl+shift+b hexadecimal to binary
    • Ctrl+shift+h, ctrl+shift+d hexadecimal to decimal

The commands are available in

  • command pallet under Convert Number: ...
  • main menu -> edit -> Convert Numbers
  • context menu -> Convert Numbers


You can setup patterns to identify binary, decimal and hexadecimal numbers for each syntax just by adding the following settings to the syntax specific settings file <scope>.sublime-settings.

	// ...

	// Define the format of binary numbers for the Hex-Bin-System plugin
	// Binaries look like 'B101110'
	"convert_src_bin": "'B([01]+)'",
	"convert_dst_bin": "'B{0:b}'",

	// Define the format of hexadecimal numbers for the Hex-Bin-System plugin
	// Hexadecimals look like 'H1AF23'
	"convert_src_hex": "'H([0-9A-F]+)'",
	"convert_dst_hex": "'H{0:X}'",

	// Define the format of exponential numbers for the Hex-Bin-System plugin
	// The pattern must match the base as group 1 and exponent as group 2.
	// Exponential numbers look like 3.14EX-4
	"convert_src_exp": "\\b([1-9]\\.\\d+)EX([-+]?\\d+)\\b",
	"convert_dst_exp": "EX",

	// ...

Inspired by

Hex-Bin-System by ALLZ