
Runs standard --fix against the javascript in your ST3 window on save or manually.

MIT License


Standard Format

A Sublime Text 3 plug-in that runs standard --fix against the javascript code in your ST3 window on save or manually. Can be toggled on or off. Includes a few settings that let you tweak your search path to favor local dependencies over global ones.

Supports any tool that accepts a stdin and stdout formatting API. The following tools are used by default:

standard --fix
semistandard --fix


Install Standard Format using Package Control.

# In the command palate
- package control install
- standard format

Standard Format (the Sublime Text Plug-in) requires that you install standard either locally to your project or globally. It is recomended to save it to your local project.

$ npm install standard@latest --save-dev


You can find Standard Format settings in the StandardFormat.sublime-settings file.

Standard Format is agressive about finding your developer dependencies. The search path that it uses by default are in the following order:

  • User added paths: you can add an array of paths in your settings file. You shouldn't need to do this unless you are doing something weird.
  • Any node_modules/.bin paths found above the current file. Disable with use_view_path
  • If your current view isn't saved to disk, any any folders in the project will be walked towards root searching for node_modules/.bin to add to the path here. Disabled with use_project_path_fallback.
  • The global user path is then used if nothing else is found. This is calculated by starting a bash instance and calculating the real user path, including .nvm shims.

Other settings:

  • format_on_save: Boolean. Runs Standard Format on save when set to true. Use the command pallet to quickly toggle this on or off.

  • extensions: String Array. An array of file extensions that you want to be able to run Standard Format against.

  • command: Optional String Array. Customize the command and flags that Standard Format runs against. Can expand certain pre-defined placeholders (such as {FILENAME}).


  "commands": [
    ["standard", "--stdin", "--fix"],
    ["semistandard", "--stdin", "--fix" ]
    ["ts-standard", "--stdin", "--fix", "--stdin-filename", "{FILENAME}" ]
  • loud_error: Boolean. Specifies if you get a status bar message or error window if the subprocess encounters an error while formatting.

  • log_errors: Boolean. Lets you log out errors encountered by the formatter. Mainly used to suppress noisy formatting errors.

Project local settings

If the default/user settings isn't fined grained enough, you can set project specific settings in .sublime-project project specific settings. See sublime project docs for more details.

  "settings": {
    "standard_format": {
      "format_on_save": true,
      "commands": [
        ["eslint_d", "--stdin", "--fix-to-stdout"]


Windows is now supported. Please open any issues that you come across.


Standard Format pairs nicely with the Sublime Text standard linter:
