
I don't like how Sublime Text indents when I surround existing code in "{}"s. This plugin surrounds and indents sensibly.

OTHER License



Some bracket manipulation, selection, and insertion commands.


  1. Using Package Control, install "Bracketeer"


  1. Open the Sublime Text Packages folder

    • OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/
    • Windows: %APPDATA%/Sublime Text 3/Packages/
    • Linux: ~/.Sublime Text 3/Packages/ or ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages
  2. clone this repo

  3. Install keymaps for the commands (see Example.sublime-keymap for my preferred keys)


bracketeer: Surrounds selected text with braces (or quotes - anything, really), and prevents indentation mishaps.

bracketeer_indent: Indents sensibly - allows a clever use of enter, indent, and '{' to surround code in '{}'. See example below.

bracketeer_goto: Goes to the matching bracket - either opener, closer, or both (creates two cursors).

bracketeer_select: Searches for matching brackets and selects what is inside, or expands the selection to include the brackets.


Open your key bindings file and add the bindings you want. For example:


In depth

Command: bracketeer

Default key combination: any opening bracket or quote character, possibly combined with select and replace options


braces: Required String with open/close characters, or list of [open, close]. Default key bindings support:

  • {}
  • []
  • ()
  • <>
  • «»
  • ‹›
  • ""
  • ''
  • “”
  • ‘’
  • \``

select: Default: false Whether to select the text after brackets are inserted. Sublime Text usually does keep the text selected, so this command emulates that behavior. The example keymap file has these mapped to ["ctrl+[", bracket]

replace: If the selection is contained inside bracket characters, they will be replaced with new brackets. For example, to change curly brackets to square brackets:

  1. Use bracketeer_select to select inside the curly brackets
  2. Press "ctrl+alt+[", "[" (from Example.sublime-keymap) and '(text)' changes to '[text]'

The default Sublime Text command re-indents text after pressing a bracket key, and it looks really silly to me. This plugin indents sensibly. Helpful in languages that use curlies, e.g. C, Java, PHP.

In addition, the "super+]" indent command is modified (using bracketeer_indent) so that the first and last lines are not indented. Makes it easy to add curly braces. Select some lines of code, with a blank line above and below. Or, if you like your braces on the same line as the if|while|do, put the start of the selection at the end of that line.

Press super+], then press "{". The block of code will be indented, leaving the code highlighted, then you can surround it in braces.

1. if ( a )
2. echo NULL;

# add blank lines
1. if ( a )
3. echo NULL;

# select text
1. if ( a )
2. |
3. echo NULL;
4. |

# press super+]
1. if ( a )
2. |
3.     echo NULL;
4. |

# press {
1. if ( a )
2. {
3.     echo NULL;|   # notice, the cursor moves *inside* the new brackets
4. }

If you prefer "Kernigan and Ritchie" style brackets, start the selection on the previous line

1. if ( a )
2. echo NULL;

# select text
1. if ( a )|
2. echo NULL;
3. |

# press super+]
1. if ( a )|
2.     echo NULL;
3. |

# press {
1. if ( a ) {        # a space is inserted before the '{' (unless it's already there!)
2.     echo NULL;|   # and again, the cursor moves *inside* the new brackets
3. }

Command: bracketeer_indent

Default key combination is super+]

If the first line of selected text is empty (and keep in mind this ignores whatever text is to the left of the selection, so not necessarily an empty line), that line will not be indented. See example usage above.

Command: bracketeer_select

Default key combination is ctrl+shift+[

Expands the current region to include text within brackets, and if pressed again to include the brackets themselves.

I will use '|' as the caret or selection start and end points:

1. do_something([1, '[', {'brace':'{', 'test'}])|

# move caret into the 'test' string
1. do_something([1, '[', {'brace':'{', 'te|st'}])

# press ctrl+shift+[
# the first bracket it finds is the '}', so it will match {}s
# notice it will ignore the '{', which would otherwise look like the matching brace
1. do_something([1, '[', {|'brace':'{', 'test'|}])

# press ctrl+shift+[
# adds the {} to the selection
1. do_something([1, '[', |{'brace':'{', 'test'}|])

# press ctrl+shift+[
# selects between the []s.
1. do_something([|1, '[', {'brace':'{', 'test'}|])

# press ctrl+shift+[
# selects the []s.
1. do_something(|[1, '[', {'brace':'{', 'test'}]|)

# press ctrl+shift+[
# selects the ()s. It would have expanded to select *between* the (), but that is what the selection already *was to start with*
1. do_something|([1, '[', {'brace':'{', 'test'}])|

# press ctrl+shift+[
# does nothing.  No more brackets to match!
1. do_something|([1, '[', {'brace':'{', 'test'}])|
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