
One way Todoist to Habitica sync to allow scoring points for completed tasks.

MIT License


Because if you want to be productive, you should not track tasks in two places. Habitica is great for tracking habits, Todoist for tracking TODOs. Now you can get the best of both.

How it works

Tasks are not added immediately. Only when you finish a task in Todoist, new task will be created in Habitica, finished and immediately deleted. So you won't see any Todoist tasks in Habitica but still get the rewards.


  • Scores points in Habitica when Todoist task is finished.
  • Works for repeated tasks in Todoist, as long as the date string contains every.
  • To form a positive habit of prioritizing long term tasks, difficulty in Habitica is assigned by priority in Todoist. The priority is them assumed to match Eisenhower Matrix quadrants.
Todoist Priority Habitica Difficulty Eisenhower Quadrant
p1 Medium Important, urgent
p2 Hard Important, not urgent
p3 Easy Not important, urgent
p4 Trivial Not important, not urgent


As a script

  1. Open terminal
  2. Make sure git is installed:
    git --version   
    The output should look something like:
    git version 2.25.1
  3. Make sure Python 3.12.x is installed:
    python --version
    The output should look something like:
    Python 3.12.0
    • If it shows 2.7.x instead, try python3 instead and use it in the rest of the guide.
    • If it shows 3.11.x or lower, use pyenv to install a higher version of Python on your system.
  4. Make sure poetry is installed:
    poetry --version
    The output should look something like:
    Poetry (version 1.7.1)
  5. Clone this repository:
    git clone
    cd todoist-habitica-sync
  6. Copy the .env.template file into .env file:
    cp .env.template .env
  7. Edit the .env file, fill all missing values and/or change existing ones to suit your needs.
  8. Install all application dependencies:
    poetry install --no-root --without=dev
  9. Run the app:
    poetry run python src/

As a docker container

  1. Open terminal
  2. Make sure docker is installed:
    docker --version   
    The output should look something like:
    Docker version 20.10.5, build 55c4c88
  3. Create a base folder structure for the service:
    mkdir -p todoist-habitica-sync/.sync_cache
    cd todoist-habitica-sync
    chmod 0777 .sync_cache
    # Download .env file template
    curl --output .env
  4. Edit the .env file and fill the missing details.
  5. Run the container:
    docker run \
       --pull always --rm --name todoist-habitica-sync \
       --env-file=.env \
       -v $(pwd)/.sync_cache:/usr/src/app/.sync_cache \
    This configuration will run the service in the foreground (you need to keep the terminal open) and always use the latest version.
    • Change latest to a specific version if you don't always want the latest version or remove the --pull always flag to not update.

Add --detach flag to run in the background. You can close the terminal, but it will not start on system start up.

  • To see the log of the service running in the background, run docker logs todoist-habitica-sync
  • To stop the service, run docker container stop todoist-habitica-sync

As a service

You can use the above mentioned docker image to run the sync as a service on server or even your local machine. The simples way is to use docker compose:

  1. Make sure you have docker installed:
    docker --version
    docker compose version
    The output should look something like:
    Docker version 23.0.2, build 569dd73
    Docker Compose version v2.17.2
  2. Download the example compose file:
    mkdir -p todoist-habitica-sync/.sync_cache
    cd todoist-habitica-sync
    chmod 0777 .sync_cache
  3. Download a compose file and an example .env file:
    curl $BASE_URL/.env.template --output .env
    curl $BASE_URL/docker-compose.yml -O
  4. Edit the .env file and fill the missing details.
  5. Run the service:
    docker compose up
    This command will run the service in the foreground (you need to keep the terminal open) and always use the latest version.

Add --detach flag to run in the background. You can close the terminal. The service should start on system start up.

  • To see the log of the service running in the background, run docker-compose logs todoist-habitica-sync
  • To stop the service, run docker-compose stop todoist-habitica-sync


As a script

  1. Open terminal

  2. Navigate to the project repository:

    cd todoist-habitica-sync
  3. Update the source code:

    git pull
  4. Update application dependencies:

    poetry install --no-dev
  5. Run the application again.

From docker-compose

If you used the latest tag, run:

docker compose stop  # stop the container
docker compose pull todoist-habitica-sync  # pull a new image
docker compose up -d --force-recreate  # re-create container with the new image
docker image prune -f  # clean up unused images

Environment variables


Optional, default value: None

See "user_id" mentioned in a link under "Calendar Subscription URL" at Needed only for shared projects to score points for tasks owned by you.



See under "API token".



See under "User ID".



See under "API Token", the "Show API Token" button.


Optional, default value: 1

Repeat sync automatically after N minutes.


Optional, default value: .sync_cache/sync_cache.json

Where to store synchronisation details. No need to change.

Resetting sync cache

Sometimes certain changes require to reset the sync cache. The cache holds state information only to allow recovery after an unexpected termination of the program. So it is not needed in between restarts and can be safely removed.

To reset the cache:

  1. Stop the application.
  2. Remove the .sync_cache/sync_cache.json file or any other location given in the DATABASE_FILE config option.
  3. Optionally, update the application.
  4. Start to application again.
  5. You should see all existing Todoist tasks loaded again either as HIDDEN (finished tasks) or TODOIST_ACTIVE (not completed yet).

Planned work

  • Synchronise overdue task to cause damage in habitica
  • Parse difficulty from string (similar to p0-p4 in Todoist)
  • Use @ Todoist labels for difficulty