
Bi-directional transliterator for Python. Transliterates (unicode) strings according to the rules specified in the language packs.



Bi-directional transliterator for Python. Transliterates (unicode) strings according to the rules specified in the language packs (source script <-> target script).

.. image:: :target: :alt: PyPI Version

.. image:: :target: :alt: Supported Python versions

.. image:: :target: :alt: Build Status

.. image:: :target: :alt: GPL-2.0-only OR LGPL-2.1-or-later

.. image:: :target: :alt: Coverage

Comes with language packs for the following languages (listed in alphabetical order):

  • Armenian
  • Bulgarian (beta)
  • Georgian
  • Greek
  • Macedonian (alpha)
  • Mongolian (alpha)
  • Russian
  • Serbian (alpha)
  • Ukrainian (beta)

There are also a number of useful tools included, such as:

  • Simple lorem ipsum generator, which allows lorem ipsum generation in the
    language chosen.
  • Language detection for the text (if appropriate language pack is available).
  • Slugify function for non-latin texts.


  • Python >=2.7, >=3.4, PyPy


Install with latest stable version from PyPI.

.. code-block:: sh

pip install transliterate

or install the latest stable version from BitBucket:

.. code-block:: sh

pip install

or install the latest stable version from GitHub:

.. code-block:: sh

pip install

That's all. See the Usage and examples_ section for more.

Usage and examples

Simple usage

Required imports

.. code-block:: python

from transliterate import translit, get_available_language_codes

Original text

.. code-block:: python

text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"

Transliteration to Armenian

.. code-block:: python

print(translit(text, 'hy'))

# Լօրեմ իպսում դօլօր սիտ ամետ

Transliteration to Georgian

.. code-block:: python

print(translit(text, 'ka'))

# ლორემ იპსუმ დოლორ სით ამეთ

Transliteration to Greek

.. code-block:: python

print(translit(text, 'el'))

# Λορεμ ιψθμ δολορ σιτ αμετ

Transliteration to Russian

.. code-block:: python

print(translit(text, 'ru'))

# Лорем ипсум долор сит амет

List of available (registered) languages

.. code-block:: python


# ['el', 'hy', 'ka', 'ru']

Reversed transliterations are transliterations made from target language to source language (in terms they are defined in language packs). In case of reversed transliterations, you may leave out the language_code attribute, although if you know it on beforehand, specify it since it works faster that way.

Reversed transliteration from Armenian

.. code-block:: python

print(translit(u"Լօրեմ իպսում դօլօր սիտ ամետ", 'hy', reversed=True))

# Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Reversed transliteration from Armenian with language_code argument left out

.. code-block:: python

print(translit(u"Լօրեմ իպսում դօլօր սիտ ամետ", reversed=True))

# Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Reversed transliteration from Georgian

.. code-block:: python

print(translit(u"ლორემ იპსუმ დოლორ სით ამეთ", 'ka', reversed=True))

# Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Reversed transliteration from Georgian with language_code argument left out

.. code-block:: python

print(translit(u"ლორემ იპსუმ დოლორ სით ამეთ", reversed=True))

# Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Reversed transliteration from Greek

.. code-block:: python

print(translit(u"Λορεμ ιψθμ δολορ σιτ αμετ", 'el', reversed=True))

# Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Reversed transliteration from Greek with language_code argument left out

.. code-block:: python

print(translit(u"Λορεμ ιψθμ δολορ σιτ αμετ", reversed=True))

# Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Reversed transliteration from Russian (Cyrillic)

.. code-block:: python

print(translit(u"Лорем ипсум долор сит амет", 'ru', reversed=True))

# Lorеm ipsum dolor sit amеt

Reversed transliteration from Russian (Cyrillic) with language_code argument left out

.. code-block:: python

print(translit(u"Лорем ипсум долор сит амет", reversed=True))

# Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Testing the decorator

.. code-block:: python

from transliterate.decorators import transliterate_function

def decorator_test(text):
    return text

print(decorator_test(u"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"))

# Լօրեմ իպսում դօլօր սիտ ամետ

Working with large amounts of data

If you know which language pack shall be used for transliteration, especially when working with large amounts of data, it makes sense to get the transliteration function in the following way:

.. code-block:: python

from transliterate import get_translit_function

translit_hy = get_translit_function('hy')

print(translit_hy(u"Լօրեմ իպսում դօլօր սիտ ամետ", reversed=True))
# Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

print(translit_hy(u"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"))
# Լօրեմ իպսում դօլօր սիտ ամետ

Registering a custom language pack


Make sure to call the ``autodiscover`` function before registering your own
language packs if you want to use the bundled language packs along with your
own custom ones.

.. code-block:: python

    from import autodiscover

Then the custom language pack part comes.

.. code-block:: python

    from transliterate.base import TranslitLanguagePack, registry

    class ExampleLanguagePack(TranslitLanguagePack):
        language_code = "example"
        language_name = "Example"
        mapping = (



    # ['el', 'hy', 'ka', 'ru', 'example']

    print(translit(text, 'example'))

    # Lor5m 9psum 4olor s9t 1m5t

It's possible to replace existing language packs with your own ones. By
default, existing language packs are not force-installed.

To force install a language pack, set the ``force`` argument to True when
registering a language pack. In that case, if a language pack with same
language code has already been registered, it will be replaced; otherwise,
if language pack didn't exist in the registry, it will be just registered.

.. code-block:: python

    registry.register(ExampleLanguagePack, force=True)

Forced language packs can't be replaced or unregistered.

API in depth

There are 7 class properties that you could/should be using in your language pack, of which 4 are various sorts of mappings.

Mappings ++++++++

  • mapping (tuple): A tuple of two strings, that simply represent the mapping of characters from the source language to the target language. For example, if your source language is Latin and you want to convert "a", "b", "c", "d" and "e" characters to appropriate characters in Russian Cyrillic, your mapping would look as follows:

    .. code-block:: python

      mapping = (u"abcde", u"абцде")

    Example (taken from the Greek language pack).

    .. code-block:: python

      mapping = (
  • reversed_specific_mapping (tuple): When making reversed translations, the mapping property is still used, but in some cases you need to provide additional rules. This property (reversed_specific_mapping) is meant for such cases. Further, is alike the mapping.

    Example (taken from the Greek language pack).

    .. code-block:: python

      reversed_specific_mapping = (
  • pre_processor_mapping (dict): A dictionary of mapping from source language to target language. Use this only in cases if a single character in source language shall be represented by more than one character in the target language.

    Example (taken from the Greek language pack).

    .. code-block:: python

      pre_processor_mapping = {
          u"th": u"θ",
          u"ch": u"χ",
          u"ps": u"ψ",
          u"TH": u"Θ",
          u"CH": u"Χ",
          u"PS": u"Ψ",
  • reversed_specific_pre_processor_mapping: Same as pre_processor_mapping, but used in reversed translations.

    Example (taken from the Armenian language pack)

    .. code-block:: python

      reversed_specific_pre_processor_mapping = {
          u"ու": u"u",
          u"Ու": u"U"

Additional ++++++++++

  • character_ranges (tuple): A tuple of character ranges (unicode table). Used in language detection. Works only if detectable property is set to True. Be aware, that language (or shall I better be saying - script) detection is very basic and is based on characters only.

  • detectable (bool): If set to True, language pack would be used for automatic language detection.

Using the lorem ipsum generator

Note, that due to incompatibility of the original lorem-ipsum-generator package with Python 3, when used with Python 3 transliterate uses its' own simplified fallback lorem ipsum generator (which still does the job).

Required imports

.. code-block:: python

from transliterate.contrib.apps.translipsum import TranslipsumGenerator

Generating paragraphs in Armenian

.. code-block:: python

g_am = TranslipsumGenerator(language_code='hy')

# Մագնա տրիստիքուե ֆաուցիբուս ֆամես նետուս նետուս օրցի մաուրիս,
# սուսցիպիտ. Դապիբուս րիսուս սեդ ադիպիսցինգ դիցտում. Ֆերմենտում ուրնա
# նատօքուե ատ. Uլտրիցես եգետ, տացիտի. Լիտօրա ցլասս ցօնուբիա պօսուերե
# մալեսուադա ին իպսում իդ պեր վե.

Generating sentense in Georgian

.. code-block:: python

g_ka = TranslipsumGenerator(language_code='ka')

# გგეთ ყუამ არსუ ვულფუთათე რუთრუმ აუთორ.

Generating sentense in Greek

.. code-block:: python

g_el = TranslipsumGenerator(language_code='el')

# Νεc cρασ αμετ, ελιτ vεστιβθλθμ εθ, αενεαν ναμ, τελλθσ vαριθσ.

Generating sentense in Russian (Cyrillic)

.. code-block:: python

g_ru = TranslipsumGenerator(language_code='ru')

# Рисус cонсеcтетуер, фусcе qуис лаореет ат ерос пэдэ фелис магна.

Language detection

Required imports

.. code-block:: python

from transliterate import detect_language

Detect Armenian text

.. code-block:: python

detect_language(u'Լօրեմ իպսում դօլօր սիտ ամետ')

# hy

Detect Georgian text

.. code-block:: python

detect_language(u'ლორემ იპსუმ დოლორ სით ამეთ')

# ka

Detect Greek text

.. code-block:: python

detect_language(u'Λορεμ ιψθμ δολορ σιτ αμετ')

# el

Detect Russian (Cyrillic) text

.. code-block:: python

detect_language(u'Лорем ипсум долор сит амет')

# ru


Required imports

.. code-block:: python

from transliterate import slugify

Slugify Armenian text

.. code-block:: python

slugify(u'Լօրեմ իպսում դօլօր սիտ ամետ')

# lorem-ipsum-dolor-sit-amet

Slugify Georgian text

.. code-block:: python

slugify(u'ლორემ იპსუმ დოლორ სით ამეთ')

# lorem-ipsum-dolor-sit-amet

Slugify Greek text

.. code-block:: python

slugify(u'Λορεμ ιψθμ δολορ σιτ αμετ')

# lorem-ipsum-dolor-sit-amet

Slugify Russian (Cyrillic) text

.. code-block:: python

slugify(u'Лорем ипсум долор сит амет')

# lorem-ipsum-dolor-sit-amet

Missing a language pack?

Missing a language pack for your own language? Contribute to the project by making one and it will appear in a new version (which will be released very quickly).

Writing documentation

Keep the following hierarchy.

.. code-block:: text









GPL-2.0-only OR LGPL-2.1-or-later


For any issues contact me at the e-mail given in the Author_ section.


Artur Barseghyan [email protected]