
Tool for upgrading all global pip packages using just one command.

GPL-3.0 License



Tool for upgrading all pip packages within a Python environment using just one command.


  • UpgradePipPkgs can upgrade all of your pip packages using one of two methods:

    Method 1:

    First gather all outdated packages using the command pip list --outdated, then pass results to a list of outdated packages to be upgraded.

    • This method is generally more efficient than the following method, as only outdated packages are passed to upgrade process.
    • Unfortunately doesn't take into account package dependencies relying on specific package versions to function properly.

    Method 2:

    Iterate over all installed packages, passing the command pip install --upgrade {pkgname} over each one.

    • This method takes more time overall, but is "safer".
    • "Safer" in this context means that package dependencies are corrected upon attempting upgrade on a package that specifies its dependencies, downgrading specific package versions where necessary.
    • Note that not all packages will be able to downgrade, as the order of packages upgraded is relevant to whether incorrect version dependencies are corrected.
      • For example, let's assume PackA requires PackB<=1.0.0 as a dependency:
        1. PackA will be checked for available upgrade first, and will check for installed dependency pkg PackB<=1.0.0, installing it if not already installed.
        2. PackB is then checked, and has a new version available, 1.1.0.
        3. PackB-1.0.0 is then upgraded to 1.1.0, but now PackA can't function correctly due to incorrect dependency version.
        4. This can easily be fixed by reinstalling PackA using the pip install command: "pip install PackA".
  • You can review past results/program output in the application's log file, which can be found here:

    • "~/UpgradePipPkgs/logs/pip_pkg_upgrade_log.log"


Using PIP (Recommended)

Easiest method. Highly recommended over manual installation.

  • To install UpgradePipPkgs using pip, enter the following in your commandline environment:

    pip install UpgradePipPkgs
  • You should now be able to import/run UpgradePipPkgs within your python environment by entering the following:

    >>> from UpgradePipPkgs import upgrade_pip_pkgs # <-- Import UpgradePipPkgs
    >>> upgrade_pip_pkgs() # <-- start program
  • Done!

Manual Installation

Not recommended.

  1. Before use, navigate to intended installation location, and create a new directory.

  2. Clone repository with the git client of your preference.

  3. Install all dependencies for this package within said directory by entering the following:

      pip install -r requirements.txt
  • (Optional) move installation directory to "~/path/to/Python/Libs/site_packages" to be able to import this package to a Python program like any other importable package.



  • If installed using pip, you can start UpgradePipPkgs by entering the following command in your commandline environment:

  • In order to use UpgradePipPkgs within a Python program, start by importing the module to your Python environment:

    >>> from UpgradePipPkgs import upgrade_pip_pkgs
  • Call the upgrade_pip_pkgs function to start the application, and choose the method of operation by typing the option number, and press [ENTER].

    >>> upgrade_pip_pkgs()
  • Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the upgrade process.

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