
Simple pomodoro timer app residing in tray

GPL-2.0 License


Simple pomodoro timer app residing in tray.

Install and Run

There is no need to install the app. Single file executables are provided.

You can grab latest build artifacts from a successful GitHub action run.

Workflow Example

The application runs as tray icon and shows current task progress in minutes.

Initial stopped state (if autostart is not enabled):

Focus task runs after tray icon is clicked:

Break runs after tray icon is clicked again:

Another focus task runs after tray icon is clicked again:

After few iterations large break runs:

The tasks, breaks and their meaning can be fully customized in the configuration file.


The behavior may depend on the desktop environment.

  • Left mouse button click - Starts next task (the first one if stopped)
  • Right mouse button click - Opens menu
  • Middle click - Stops and resets progress

Configuration File

The configuration file contains general settings and task definitions.

The default configuration file location:

  • Linux and macOS - ~/.config/xitomatl/xitomatl.ini
  • Windows - %APPDATA%\copyq

See xitomatl.ini for the default configuration.


Qt 6 libraries must be installed on the system.

Clone repository and start the app with:

poetry run python -m ensurepip --upgrade
poetry install
poetry run xitomatl

Install pre-commit for local repository clone:

pre-commit install

Run all checks:

pre-commit run --all-files
poetry run pytest