
Command line oriented, sqlite powered, todo list

GPL-3.0 License


What is it?

Yokadi is a command-line oriented, SQLite powered, TODO list tool. It helps you organize all the things you have to do and must not forget. It aims to be simple, intuitive and very efficient.

In Yokadi you manage projects, which contain tasks. At the minimum, a task has a title, but it can also have a description, a due date, an urgency or keywords. Keywords can be any word that help you find and sort your tasks.


Yokadi should run on any Unix-like systems. There is also some support for Windows but it is not as tested.

Yokadi requires Python 3.4 or more and a few other modules, which you can install with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

It can also make use of other modules listed in extra-requirements.txt. You can install them with:

pip install -r extra-requirements.txt

These modules are needed for the Yokadi Daemon.


Here is an example of a short Yokadi session:

Start Yokadi:

Creating database
Added keyword '_severity'
Added keyword '_likelihood'
Added keyword '_bug'
Added keyword '_note'

Create your first task:

yokadi> t_add birthday Buy food and drinks
Project 'birthday' does not exist, create it (y/n)? y
Added project 'birthday'
Added task 'Buy food and drinks' (id=1)

Add two other tasks, you can use _ to refer to last project used:

yokadi> t_add _ Invite Bob
Added task 'Invite Bob' (id=2)
yokadi> t_add _ Invite Wendy
Added task 'Invite Wendy' (id=3)

List tasks for project "birthday":

yokadi> t_list birthday
ID |Title                                                       |U  |S|Age    |Due date
1  |Buy food and drinks                                         |0  |N|1m     |
2  |Invite Bob                                                  |0  |N|0m     |
3  |Invite Wendy                                                |0  |N|0m     |

Once you have called Bob, you can mark task 2 as done:

yokadi> t_mark_done 2
Task 'Invite Bob' marked as done

yokadi> t_list birthday
ID |Title                                                       |U  |S|Age    |Due date
1  |Buy food and drinks                                         |0  |N|2m     |
3  |Invite Wendy                                                |0  |N|1m     |

Task 2 has not disappeared, but t_list skips done tasks by default. To list all tasks use:

yokadi> t_list birthday --all
ID |Title                                                       |U  |S|Age    |Due date
1  |Buy food and drinks                                         |0  |N|2m     |
2  |Invite Bob                                                  |0  |D|1m     |
3  |Invite Wendy                                                |0  |N|1m     |

To list only tasks marked as done today:

yokadi> t_list birthday --done today
ID |Title                                                       |U  |S|Age    |Due date
2  |Invite Bob                                                  |0  |D|1m     |

You may want to attach your grocery list to task 1. This can be done with t_describe.

yokadi> t_describe 1

This will start the editor specified in $EDITOR (or vi if not set) to enter a longer text, attached to the task.

You can now display details of task 1:

yokadi> t_show 1
 Project: birthday
   Title: Buy food and drinks
      ID: 1
 Created: 2009-01-09 08:57:33
     Due: None
  Status: new
 Urgency: 0

Recurrence: None Keywords:

- Orange juice
- Coke
- Beer
- Cookies
- Pizzas

Note: t_show is not mandatory, just entering the task number will display its details.

t_list indicates tasks which have a longer description with a * character:

yokadi> t_list birthday
ID |Title                                                       |U  |S|Age    |Due date
1  |Buy food and drinks                                        *|0  |N|3m     |
3  |Invite Wendy                                                |0  |N|2m     |

There is much more, we only scratched the surface, but this should get you started. You can get a list of all commands by typing help and get the detailed documentation of a command with help <command>.

Advanced stuff

Quick access to last task

When you execute multiple commands on the same task, you can use _ as a shortcut to the last task id. Assuming you created a task like this:

yokadi> t_add home Buy chocolate
Added task 'Buy chocolate' (id=1069)

Then the following commands are equivalents (until you work on another task):

yokadi> t_edit 1069
yokadi> t_edit _

Due dates

You can define due dates for your tasks with t_due. This can be done with a relative or absolute date:

yokadi> t_due 21 +3d
Due date for task 'Buy chocolate' set to Sat Jul 11 17:16:20 2009

yokadi> t_due 21 23/07 10:30
Due date for task 'Buy chocolate' set to Thu Jul 23 10:30:00 2009

Due dates are shown by t_list. Due date is colored according to time left. If you want to be reminded when a task is due, you can use the Yokadi Daemon for that. See below for details.

Periodic tasks

If you have periodic tasks, you can tell it to Yokadi with t_recurs:

yokadi> t_recurs 1 weekly monday 21:30
yokadi> t_recurs 1 monthly 3 11:00
yokadi> t_recurs 1 monthly last saturday 11:00
yokadi> t_recurs 1 yearly 23/2 14:00

Type help t_recurs to see all possible syntaxes.

Tasks range and magic __ keyword

t_apply is a very powerful function but sometimes you have to use it on numerous tasks. First, you can use task range like this:

yokadi> t_apply 1-3 t_urgency 10
Executing: t_urgency 1 10
Executing: t_urgency 2 10
Executing: t_urgency 3 10

But sometimes tasks are not consecutive and you would like to use wonderful t_list options to select your tasks. Here's the trick: each time you display tasks with t_list, Yokadi stores the id list in the magic keyword __ that you can give to t_apply like this:

yokadi> t_list @keyword myProject
yokadi> t_apply __ t_urgency 35

Oh, by the way, one Yokadi dev uses the following alias which is quite self explanatory:

yokadi> a_list
procrastinate => t_apply __ t_due +1d

Mass editing tasks

t_medit lets you edit all tasks of a project at once by opening a text editor with all the tasks and let you editing them, applying the changes when you quit. If you are familiar with git, this is similar to the way the git rebase --interactive command works.

For example to edit all the tasks of the "birthday" project do the following:

yokadi> t_medit birthday

Make adjustments to the task list (the syntax is documented as comments in the text opened in the editor), then save the file and quit to apply the changes.

Yokadi provides Vim syntax highlighting files to make mass edit more convenient. You can find them in editors/vim. To install them, run the following:

cd place/to/editors/vim
mkdir -p ~/.vim/ftdetect
mkdir -p ~/.vim/syntax
cp ftdetect/medit.vim ~/.vim/ftdetect
cp syntax/medit.vim ~/.vim/syntax

If you use another editor and can provide support for highlighting files, your contribution is very welcome! Get in touch so that we can add your work to the next version of Yokadi.


Database location

By default, Yokadi creates a database in $HOME/.local/share/yokadi/yokadi.db, but you can specify an alternative directory with the --datadir option.

A convenient way to start Yokadi is by creating an alias in your .bashrc file like this:

alias y=yokadi

The single letter y will start Yokadi with your favorite database from wherever you are.

History location

By default, Yokadi will store input history in $HOME/.cache/yokadi/history. This file stores commands used in Yokadi for future use and reference.

If you do now want to use the default history file location, you can define the YOKADI_HISTORY environment variable to point to your history file:

export YOKADI_HISTORY=$HOME/.hist/yokadi_history

Yokadid, the Yokadid daemon

If you want to be automatically reminded of due tasks, you can use the Yokadi daemon.

The Yokadi daemon can be launched via desktop autostart services. In most desktop environments, you just need to create a symbolic link to yokadid (or a shell script that calls it) in $HOME/.config/autostart/:

ln -s `which yokadid` $HOME/.config/autostart/


The project is hosted on http://yokadi.github.io.

All discussions happen on Yokadi mailing-list, hosted by our friends from the Sequanux LUG. To join, visit http://sequanux.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ml-yokadi.

You can also find some of us on #yokadi, on the Freenode IRC network.


Yokadi has been brought to you by:

Other people contributed to Yokadi: