
FPS Comparision with same specification of YOLOX, YOLOR, YOLOv5 and YOLOv7

GPL-3.0 License


Offical Implementation of Conference Paper Published in 8th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (SIGPRO 2022). Toronto, Canada

Lead Authors

Conference Paper Link: Yolov5, Yolo-x, Yolo-r, Yolov7 Performance Comparison: A Survey

Object Detection Algorithms YOLO Series [Suppport for Windows & Linux]


  • Leading YOLO Series Algorithms FPS Comparision with same specifications.
  • The comparision include, YOLOv7, YOLOv5, YOLOX, YOLO-R

Recommended Envirnoment

  • Operating System : Ubuntu 18/Ubuntu 20/Windows 10
  • python 3.6/3.7/3.8


Start Guide

For Ubuntu

git clone https://github.com/RizwanMunawar/YOLO-RX57-FPS-Comparision.git
cd YOLO-RX57-FPS-Comparision
pip install Cython opencv-python
sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential
sudo apt-get install manpages-dev
pip install "git+https://github.com/philferriere/cocoapi.git#egg=pycocotools&subdirectory=PythonAPI"
  • Now you will need to download weights of YOLOR, YOLOv7 and YOLOX and move downloaded weights into respective folders using mentioned commands below.
cd YOLORResearch/yolor
wget https://github.com/RizwanMunawar/YOLO-RX57-FPS-Comparision/releases/download/v0.1.4-release/yolor_p6.pt
cd ..
cd ..
cd YOLOXResearch/YOLOX
wget https://github.com/RizwanMunawar/YOLO-RX57-FPS-Comparision/releases/download/v0.1.4-release/yolox_s.pth
cd ..
cd ..
wget YOLOv7Research/yolov7
wget https://github.com/RizwanMunawar/YOLO-RX57-FPS-Comparision/releases/download/v0.1.4-release/yolov7.pt
cd ..
cd ..
  • Now you can run code with mentioned command below.
python3 comparision.py --source "2.mp4" --device 0


python3 comparision.py --source "2.mp4" --device cpu
  • In above command, source will be the path of your video/image on, which you want to calculate FPS.
The above command will store the output of all detectors in a new folder named results. The results folder will contain output videos for every object detector, FPS will be shown on every video.
  • If you want to use your custom weights, you can use mentioned command below.
python3 comparision.py --source "2.mp4" --device 0 \
                       --yolov5weights yolov5s.pt --yolorweights yolor_p6.pt \
                       --yoloxweights yolox_m.pt --yolov7weights yolov7.pt

For Windows 10

git clone https://github.com/RizwanMunawar/YOLO-RX57-FPS-Comparision.git
cd YOLO-RX57-FPS-Comparision
pip install pycocotools-windows

Now you will need to download weights of YOLOR, YOLOv7 and YOLOX and move downloaded weights into respective folders. Mentioned steps below to complete this.

  • Download yolor_p6.pt file and move the downloaded file in YOLORResearch/yolor folder
  • Download yolov7.pt file and move the downloaded file in YOLOv7Research/yolov7 folder
  • Download yolox_s.pth file and move the downloaded file in YOLOXResearch/YOLOX folder

Now you can run code with mentioned command below.

python3 comparision.py --source "2.mp4" --device 0


python3 comparision.py --source "2.mp4" --device cpu
  • In above command, source will be the path of your video/image on which you want to calculate FPS.
The above command will store the output of all detectors in a new folder named results. The results folder will contain output videos for every object detector, FPS will be shown on every video.
  • If you want to use your custom weights, you can use mentioned command below.
python3 comparision.py --source "2.mp4" --device 0 \
                      --yolov5weights yolov5s.pt --yolorweights yolor_p6.pt \
                      --yoloxweights yolox_m.pt --yolov7weights yolov7.pt

Coming Soon

  • histogram plot for fps comparision every second
  • Merge output video into single video side-by-side


For more details, you can reach out to me on Medium or can connect with me on LinkedIn

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