
YOLOv7 Object Tracking Using PyTorch, OpenCV and Sort Tracking

GPL-3.0 License



New Features

  • Added Label for Every Track
  • Code can run on Both (CPU & GPU)
  • Video/WebCam/External Camera/IP Stream Supported

Coming Soon

  • Development of streamlit dashboard for Object Tracking

Ready to Use Google Colab

Steps to run Code

  1. Clone the repository.

    git clone https://github.com/RizwanMunawar/yolov7-object-tracking.git
  2. Goto the cloned folder.

    cd yolov7-object-tracking
  3. Create a virtual envirnoment (Recommended, If you dont want to disturb python packages)

    For Anaconda

    # Create the virtural envirnment
    conda create -n yolov7objtracking python=3.10
    # Activate the virtural envirnment
    conda activate yolov7objtracking

    For Linux Users

    # Create the virtural envirnment
    python3 -m venv yolov7objtracking
    # Activate the virtural envirnment
    source yolov7objtracking/bin/activate

    For Window Users

    # Create the virtural envirnment
    python3 -m venv yolov7objtracking
    # Activate the virtural envirnment
    cd yolov7objtracking
    cd Scripts
    cd ..
    cd ..
  4. Update pip and install libraries

    # Upgrade pip with mentioned command below.
    pip install --upgrade pip
    # Install requirements with mentioned command below.
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Run the script

    Select the appropirate command from the following list of command according to your need. (by default, pretrained yolov7 weights will be automatically downloaded into the working directory if they don't already exist).

    # for detection only
    python detect.py --weights yolov7.pt --source "your video.mp4"
    #if you want to change source file
    python detect_and_track.py --weights yolov7.pt --source "your video.mp4"
    #for WebCam
    python detect_and_track.py --weights yolov7.pt --source 0
    #for External Camera
    python detect_and_track.py --weights yolov7.pt --source 1
    #For LiveStream (Ip Stream URL Format i.e "rtsp://username:pass@ipaddress:portno/video/video.amp")
    python detect_and_track.py --source "your IP Camera Stream URL" --device 0
    #for specific class (person)
    python detect_and_track.py --weights yolov7.pt --source "your video.mp4" --classes 0
    #for colored tracks 
    python detect_and_track.py --weights yolov7.pt --source "your video.mp4" --colored-trk
    #for saving tracks centroid, track id and bbox coordinates
    python detect_and_track.py --weights yolov7.pt --source "your video.mp4" --save-txt --save-bbox-dim
  6. Output file will be created in the working-dir/runs/detect/obj-tracking with original filename.



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