
A library for ML benchmarking. It's powerful.


Which git branch should you checkout?

Currently I can provide technical support (help with code, bug fixes etc.) for the domain-adaptation branch only.


Clone this repo:

git clone https://github.com/KevinMusgrave/powerful-benchmarker.git

Then go into the folder and install the required packages:

cd powerful-benchmarker
pip install -r requirements.txt

Set paths in constants.yaml

  • exp_folder: experiments will be saved as sub-folders inside of exp_folder
  • dataset_folder: datasets will be downloaded here. For example, <dataset_folder>/mnistm
  • conda_env: (optional) the conda environment that will be activated for slurm jobs
  • slurm_folder: slurm logs will be saved to <exp_folder>/.../<slurm_folder>
  • gdrive_folder: (optional) the google drive folder to which logs can be uploaded

Folder organization

Visit each folder to view its readme file.

Folder Description
latex Code for creating latex tables from experiment data.
notebooks Jupyter notebooks
powerful_benchmarker Code for hyperparameter searches for training models.
scripts Various bash scripts, including scripts for uploading logs to google drive.
unit_tests Tests to check if there are bugs.
validator_tests Code for evaluating validation methods (validators).

Useful top-level scripts


Delete all slurm logs:

python delete_slurm_logs.py --delete

Or delete slurm logs for specific experiments groups. For example, delete slurm logs for all experiment groups starting with "officehome":

python delete_slurm_logs.py --delete --exp_group_prefix officehome


Kill all model training jobs:

python kill_all.py

Or kill all validator test jobs:

python kill_all.py --validator_tests


Print how many hyperparameter trials are done:

python print_progress.py

Include a detailed summary of validator test jobs:

python print_progress.py --with_validator_progress

Save to progress.txt instead of printing to screen:

python print_progress.py --save_to_file progress.txt


A simple way to run a program via slurm.

For example, run collect_dfs.py for all experiment groups starting with "office31", using a separate slurm job for each experiment group:

python simple_slurm.py --command "python validator_tests/collect_dfs.py" --slurm_config_folder validator_tests \
--slurm_config a100 --job_name=collect_dfs --cpus-per-task=16 --exp_group_prefix office31

Or run a program without considering experiment groups at all:

python simple_slurm.py --command "python validator_tests/zip_dfs.py" --slurm_config_folder validator_tests \
--slurm_config a100 --job_name=zip_dfs --cpus-per-task=16


Upload slurm logs and experiment progress to a google drive folder at regular intervals (the default is every 2 hours):

python upload_logs.py

Set the google drive folder in constants.yaml.


Thanks to Jeff Musgrave for designing the logo.

Citing the paper

  title={Three New Validators and a Large-Scale Benchmark Ranking for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation},
  author={Kevin Musgrave and Serge J. Belongie and Ser Nam Lim},
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