
Benchmarking framework for protein representation learning. Includes a large number of pre-training and downstream task datasets, models and training/task utilities. (ICLR 2024)

MIT License


Protein Workshop


This repository provides the code for the protein structure representation learning benchmark detailed in the paper Evaluating Representation Learning on the Protein Structure Universe (ICLR 2024).

In the benchmark, we implement numerous featurisation schemes, datasets for self-supervised pre-training and downstream evaluation, pre-training tasks, and auxiliary tasks.

The benchmark can be used as a working template for a protein representation learning research project, a library of drop-in components for use in your projects, or as a CLI tool for quickly running protein representation learning evaluation and pre-training configurations.

Processed datasets and pre-trained weights are made available. Downloading datasets is not required; upon first run all datasets will be downloaded and processed from their respective source.

Configuration files to run the experiments described in the manuscript are provided in the proteinworkshop/config/sweeps/ directory.



Below, we outline how one may set up a virtual environment for proteinworkshop. Note that these installation instructions currently target Linux-like systems with NVIDIA CUDA support. Note that Windows and macOS are currently not officially supported.

From PyPI

proteinworkshop is available for install from PyPI. This enables training of specific configurations via the CLI or using individual components from the benchmark, such as datasets, featurisers, or transforms, as drop-ins to other projects. Make sure to install PyTorch (specifically version 2.1.2 or newer) using its official pip installation instructions, with CUDA support as desired.

# install `proteinworkshop` from PyPI
pip install proteinworkshop

# install PyTorch Geometric using the (now-installed) CLI
workshop install pyg

# set a custom data directory for file downloads; otherwise, all data will be downloaded to `site-packages`
export DATA_PATH="where/you/want/data/" # e.g., `export DATA_PATH="proteinworkshop/data"`

However, for full exploration we recommend cloning the repository and building from source.

Building from source

With a local virtual environment activated (e.g., one created with conda create -n proteinworkshop python=3.10):

  1. Clone and install the project

    git clone
    cd ProteinWorkshop
    pip install -e .
  2. Install PyTorch (specifically version 2.1.2 or newer) using its official pip installation instructions, with CUDA support as desired

    # e.g., to install PyTorch with CUDA 11.8 support on Linux:
    pip install torch==2.1.2+cu118 torchvision==0.16.2+cu118 torchaudio==2.1.2+cu118 --index-url
  3. Then use the newly-installed proteinworkshop CLI to install PyTorch Geometric

    workshop install pyg
  4. Configure paths in .env (optional, will override default paths if set). See .env.example for an example.

  5. Download PDB data:

    python proteinworkshop/scripts/


We provide a five-part tutorial series of Jupyter notebooks to provide users with examples of how to use and extend proteinworkshop, as outlined below.

  1. Training a new model
  2. Customizing an existing dataset
  3. Adding a new dataset
  4. Adding a new model
  5. Adding a new task


Downloading datasets

Datasets can either be built from the source structures or downloaded from Zenodo. Datasets will be built from source the first time a dataset is used in a run (or by calling the appropriate setup() method in the corresponding datamodule). We provide a CLI tool for downloading datasets:

workshop download <DATASET_NAME>
workshop download pdb
workshop download cath
workshop download afdb_rep_v4
# etc..

If you wish to build datasets from source, we recommend first downloading the entire PDB first (in MMTF format, c. 24 Gb) to reuse shared PDB data as much as possible:

workshop download pdb
# or
python proteinworkshop/scripts/

Training a model

Launching an experiment minimally requires specification of a dataset, structural encoder, and task (devices can be specified with trainer=cpu/gpu):

workshop train dataset=cath encoder=egnn task=inverse_folding trainer=cpu
# or
python proteinworkshop/ dataset=cath encoder=egnn task=inverse_folding trainer=cpu # or trainer=gpu

This command uses the default configurations in configs/train.yaml, which can be overwritten by equivalently named options. For instance, you can use a different input featurisation using the features option, or set the display name of your experiment on wandb using the name option:

workshop train dataset=cath encoder=egnn task=inverse_folding features=ca_bb name=MY-EXPT-NAME trainer=cpu
# or
python proteinworkshop/ dataset=cath encoder=egnn task=inverse_folding features=ca_bb name=MY-EXPT-NAME trainer=cpu # or trainer=gpu

Finetuning a model

Finetuning a model additionally requires specification of a checkpoint.

workshop finetune dataset=cath encoder=egnn task=inverse_folding ckpt_path=PATH/TO/CHECKPOINT trainer=cpu
# or
python proteinworkshop/ dataset=cath encoder=egnn task=inverse_folding ckpt_path=PATH/TO/CHECKPOINT trainer=cpu # or trainer=gpu

Running a sweep/experiment

We can make use of the hydra wandb sweeper plugin to configure experiments as sweeps, allowing searches over hyperparameters, architectures, pre-training/auxiliary tasks and datasets.

See proteinworkshop/config/sweeps/ for examples.

  1. Create the sweep with weights and biases
wandb sweep proteinworkshop/config/sweeps/my_new_sweep_config.yaml
  1. Launch job workers

With wandb:

wandb agent mywandbgroup/proteinworkshop/2wwtt7oy --count 8

Or an example SLURM submission script:

#SBATCH --nodes 1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1
#SBATCH --array=0-32

source ~/.bashrc
source $(conda info --base)/envs/proteinworkshop/bin/activate

wandb agent mywandbgroup/proteinworkshop/2wwtt7oy --count 1

Reproduce the sweeps performed in the manuscript:

# reproduce the baseline tasks sweep (i.e., those performed without pre-training each model)
wandb sweep proteinworkshop/config/sweeps/baseline_fold.yaml
wandb agent mywandbgroup/proteinworkshop/2awtt7oy --count 8
wandb sweep proteinworkshop/config/sweeps/baseline_ppi.yaml
wandb agent mywandbgroup/proteinworkshop/2bwtt7oy --count 8
wandb sweep proteinworkshop/config/sweeps/baseline_inverse_folding.yaml
wandb agent mywandbgroup/proteinworkshop/2cwtt7oy --count 8

# reproduce the model pre-training sweep
wandb sweep proteinworkshop/config/sweeps/pre_train.yaml
wandb agent mywandbgroup/proteinworkshop/2dwtt7oy --count 8

# reproduce the pre-trained tasks sweep (i.e., those performed after pre-training each model)
wandb sweep proteinworkshop/config/sweeps/pt_fold.yaml
wandb agent mywandbgroup/proteinworkshop/2ewtt7oy --count 8
wandb sweep proteinworkshop/config/sweeps/pt_ppi.yaml
wandb agent mywandbgroup/proteinworkshop/2fwtt7oy --count 8
wandb sweep proteinworkshop/config/sweeps/pt_inverse_folding.yaml
wandb agent mywandbgroup/proteinworkshop/2gwtt7oy --count 8

Embedding a dataset

We provide a utility in proteinworkshop/ for embedding a dataset using a pre-trained model. To run it:

python proteinworkshop/ ckpt_path=PATH/TO/CHECKPOINT collection_name=COLLECTION_NAME

See the embed section of proteinworkshop/config/embed.yaml for additional parameters.

Visualising pre-trained model embeddings for a given dataset

We provide a utility in proteinworkshop/ for visualising the UMAP embeddings of a pre-trained model for a given dataset. To run it:

python proteinworkshop/ ckpt_path=PATH/TO/CHECKPOINT plot_filepath=VISUALISATION/FILEPATH.png

See the visualise section of proteinworkshop/config/visualise.yaml for additional parameters.

Performing attribution of a pre-trained model

We provide a utility in proteinworkshop/ for performing attribution of a pre-trained model using integrated gradients.

This will write PDB files for all the structures in a dataset for a supervised task with residue-level attributions in the b_factor column. To visualise the attributions, we recommend using the Protein Viewer VSCode extension and changing the 3D representation to colour by Uncertainty/Disorder.

To run the attribution:

python proteinworkshop/ ckpt_path=PATH/TO/CHECKPOINT output_dir=ATTRIBUTION/DIRECTORY

See the explain section of proteinworkshop/config/explain.yaml for additional parameters.

Verifying a config

python proteinworkshop/ dataset=cath features=full_atom task=inverse_folding

Using proteinworkshop modules functionally

One may use the modules (e.g., datasets, models, featurisers, and utilities) of proteinworkshop functionally by importing them directly. When installing this package using PyPi, this makes building on top of the assets of proteinworkshop straightforward and convenient.

For example, to use any datamodule available in proteinworkshop:

from proteinworkshop.datasets.cath import CATHDataModule

datamodule = CATHDataModule(path="data/cath/", pdb_dir="data/pdb/", format="mmtf", batch_size=32)

train_dl = datamodule.train_dataloader()

To use any model or featuriser available in proteinworkshop:

from proteinworkshop.models.graph_encoders.dimenetpp import DimeNetPPModel
from proteinworkshop.features.factory import ProteinFeaturiser
from proteinworkshop.datasets.utils import create_example_batch

model = DimeNetPPModel(hidden_channels=64, num_layers=3)
ca_featuriser = ProteinFeaturiser(

example_batch = create_example_batch()
batch = ca_featuriser(example_batch)

model_outputs = model(example_batch)

Read the docs for a full list of modules available in proteinworkshop.


Invariant Graph Encoders

Name Source Protein Specific
GearNet Zhang et al.
DimeNet++ Gasteiger et al.
SchNet Schütt et al.
CDConv Fan et al.

Equivariant Graph Encoders


Name Source Protein Specific
GCPNet Morehead et al.
GVP-GNN Jing et al.
EGNN Satorras et al.


Name Source Protein Specific
Tensor Field Network Corso et al.
Multi-ACE Batatia et al.

Sequence-based Encoders

Name Source Protein Specific
ESM2 Lin et al.


To download a (processed) dataset from Zenodo, you can run

workshop download <DATASET_NAME>

where <DATASET_NAME> is given the first column in the tables below.

Otherwise, simply starting a training run will download and process the data from source.

Structure-based Pre-training Corpuses

Pre-training corpuses (with the exception of pdb, cath, and astral) are provided in FoldComp database format. This format is highly compressed, resulting in very small disk space requirements despite the large size. pdb is provided as a collection of MMTF files, which are significantly smaller in size than conventional .pdb or .cif file.

Name Description Source Size Disk Size License
astral SCOPe domain structures SCOPe/ASTRAL 1 - 2.2 Gb Publicly available
afdb_rep_v4 Representative structures identified from the AlphaFold database by FoldSeek structural clustering Barrio-Hernandez et al. 2.27M Chains 9.6 Gb GPL-3.0
afdb_rep_dark_v4 Dark proteome structures identied by structural clustering of the AlphaFold database. Barrio-Hernandez et al. ~800k 2.2 Gb GPL-3.0
afdb_swissprot_v4 AlphaFold2 predictions for SwissProt/UniProtKB Kim et al. 542k Chains 2.9 Gb GPL-3.0
afdb_uniprot_v4 AlphaFold2 predictions for UniProt Kim et al. 214M Chains 1 Tb GPL-3.0 / CC-BY 4.0
cath CATH 4.2 40% split by CATH topologies. Ingraham et al. ~18k chains 4.3 Gb CC-BY 4.0
esmatlas ESMAtlas predictions (full) Kim et al. 1 Tb GPL-3.0 / CC-BY 4.0
esmatlas_v2023_02 ESMAtlas predictions (v2023_02 release) Kim et al. 137 Gb GPL-3.0 / CC-BY 4.0
highquality_clust30 ESMAtlas High Quality predictions Kim et al. 37M Chains 114 Gb GPL-3.0 / CC-BY 4.0
igfold_paired_oas IGFold Predictions for Paired OAS Ruffolo et al. 104,994 paired Ab chains CC-BY 4.0
igfold_jaffe IGFold predictions for Jaffe2022 data Ruffolo et al. 1,340,180 paired Ab chains CC-BY 4.0
pdb Experimental structures deposited in the RCSB Protein Data Bank wwPDB consortium ~800k Chains 23 Gb CC0 1.0
Name Description Source Size
a_thaliana Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) proteome AlphaFold2
c_albicans Candida albicans (a fungus) proteome AlphaFold2
c_elegans Caenorhabditis elegans (roundworm) proteome AlphaFold2
d_discoideum Dictyostelium discoideum (slime mold) proteome AlphaFold2
d_melanogaster Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) proteome AlphaFold2
d_rerio Danio rerio (zebrafish) proteome AlphaFold2
e_coli Escherichia coli (a bacteria) proteome AlphaFold2
g_max Glycine max (soy bean) proteome AlphaFold2
h_sapiens Homo sapiens (human) proteome AlphaFold2
m_jannaschii Methanocaldococcus jannaschii (an archaea) proteome AlphaFold2
m_musculus Mus musculus (mouse) proteome AlphaFold2
o_sativa Oryza sative (rice) proteome AlphaFold2
r_norvegicus Rattus norvegicus (brown rat) proteome AlphaFold2
s_cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae (brewer's yeast) proteome AlphaFold2
s_pombe Schizosaccharomyces pombe (a fungus) proteome AlphaFold2
z_mays Zea mays (corn) proteome AlphaFold2

Supervised Datasets

Name Description Source License
antibody_developability Antibody developability prediction Chen et al. CC-BY 3.0
atom3d_msp Mutation stability prediction Townshend et al. MIT
atom3d_ppi Protein-protein interaction prediction Townshend et al. MIT
atom3d_psr Protein structure ranking Townshend et al. MIT
atom3d_res Residue identity prediction Townshend et al. MIT
ccpdb_ligands Ligand binding residue prediction Agrawal et al. Publicly Available
ccpdb_metal Metal ion binding residue prediction Agrawal et al. Publicly Available
ccpdb_nucleic Nucleic acid binding residue prediction Agrawal et al. Publicly Available
ccpdb_nucleotides Nucleotide binding residue prediction Agrawal et al. Publicly Available
deep_sea_proteins Gene Ontology prediction (Biological Process) Sieg et al. Public domain
go-bp Gene Ontology prediction (Biological Process) Gligorijevic et al CC-BY 4.0
go-cc Gene Ontology (Cellular Component) Gligorijevic et al CC-BY 4.0
go-mf Gene Ontology (Molecular Function) Gligorijevic et al CC-BY 4.0
ec_reaction Enzyme Commission (EC) Number Prediction Hermosilla et al. MIT
fold_fold Fold prediction, split at the fold level Hou et al. CC-BY 4.0
fold_family Fold prediction, split at the family level Hou et al. CC-BY 4.0
fold_superfamily Fold prediction, split at the superfamily level Hou et al. CC-BY 4.0
masif_site Protein-protein interaction site prediction Gainza et al. Apache 2.0
metal_3d Zinc Binding Site Prediction Duerr et al. MIT
ptm Post Translational Modification Side Prediction Yan et al. CC-BY 4.0


Self-Supervised Tasks

Name Description Source
inverse_folding Predict amino acid sequence given structure
residue_prediction Masked residue type prediction
distance_prediction Masked edge distance prediction Zhang et al.
angle_prediction Masked triplet angle prediction Zhang et al.
dihedral_angle_prediction Masked quadruplet dihedral prediction Zhang et al.
multiview_contrast Contrastive learning with multiple crops and InfoNCE loss Zhang et al.
structural_denoising Denoising of atomic coordinates with SE(3) decoders

Generic Supervised Tasks

Generic supervised tasks can be applied broadly across datasets. The labels are directly extracted from the PDB structures.

These are likely to be most frequently used with the pdb dataset class which wraps the PDB Dataset curator from Graphein.

Name Description Requires
binding_site_prediction Predict ligand binding residues HETATM ligands (for training)
ppi_site_prediction Predict protein binding residues graph_y attribute in data objects specifying the desired chain to select interactions for (for training)

Featurisation Schemes

Part of the goal of the proteinworkshop benchmark is to investigate the impact of the degree to which increasing granularity of structural detail affects performance. To achieve this, we provide several featurisation schemes for protein structures.

Invariant Node Features

N.B. All angular features are provided in [sin, cos] transformed form. E.g.: $\textrm{dihedrals} = [sin(\phi), cos(\phi), sin(\psi), cos(\psi), sin(\omega), \cos(\omega)]$, hence their dimensionality will be double the number of angles.

Name Description Dimensionality
residue_type One-hot encoding of amino acid type 21
positional_encoding Transformer-like positional encoding of sequence position 16
alpha Virtual torsion angle defined by four $C_\alpha$ atoms of residues $I_{-1}, I, I_{+1}, I_{+2}$ 2
kappa Virtual bond angle (bend angle) defined by the three $C_\alpha$ atoms of residues $I_{-2}, I, I_{+2}$ 2
dihedrals Backbone dihedral angles $(\phi, \psi, \omega)$ 6
sidechain_torsions Sidechain torsion angles $(\chi_{1-4})$ 8

Equivariant Node Features

Name Description Dimensionality
orientation Forward and backward node orientation vectors (unit-normalized) 2

Edge Construction

We predominanty support two types of edges: $k$-NN and $\epsilon$ edges.

Edge types can be specified as follows:

python proteinworkshop/ ... features.edge_types=[knn_16, knn_32, eps_16]

Where the suffix after knn or eps specifies $k$ (number of neighbours) or $\epsilon$ (distance threshold in angstroms).

Invariant Edge Features

Name Description Dimensionality
edge_distance Euclidean distance between source and target nodes 1
node_features Concatenated scalar node features of the source and target nodes Number of scalar node features $\times 2$
edge_type Type annotation for each edge 1
sequence_distance Sequence-based distance between source and target nodes 1
pos_emb Structured Transformer-inspired positional embedding of $i - j$ for source node $i$ and target node $j$ 16

Equivariant Edge Features

Name Description Dimensionality
edge_vectors Edge directional vectors (unit-normalized) 1

For Developers

Dependency Management

We use poetry to manage the project's underlying dependencies and to push updates to the project's PyPI package. To make changes to the project's dependencies, follow the instructions below to (1) install poetry on your local machine; (2) customize the dependencies; or (3) (de)activate the project's virtual environment using poetry:

  1. Install poetry for platform-agnostic dependency management using its installation instructions

    After installing poetry, to avoid potential keyring errors, disable its keyring usage by adding PYTHON_KEYRING_BACKEND=keyring.backends.null.Keyring to your shell's startup configuration and restarting your shell environment (e.g., echo 'export PYTHON_KEYRING_BACKEND=keyring.backends.null.Keyring' >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc for a Bash shell environment and likewise for other shell environments).

  2. Install, add, or upgrade project dependencies

      poetry install  # install the latest project dependencies
      # or
      poetry add XYZ  # add dependency `XYZ` to the project
      # or
      poetry show  # list all dependencies currently installed
      # or
      poetry lock  # standardize the (now-)installed dependencies
  3. Activate the newly-created virtual environment following poetry's usage documentation

      # activate the environment on a `posix`-like (e.g., macOS or Linux) system
      source $(poetry env info --path)/bin/activate
      # activate the environment on a `Windows`-like system
      & ((poetry env info --path) + "\Scripts\activate.ps1")
      # if desired, deactivate the environment

Code Formatting

To keep with the code style for the proteinworkshop repository, using the following lines, please format your commits before opening a pull request:

# assuming you are located in the `ProteinWorkshop` top-level directory
isort .
autoflake -r --in-place --remove-unused-variables --remove-all-unused-imports --ignore-init-module-imports .
black --config=pyproject.toml .


To build a local version of the project's Sphinx documentation web pages:

# assuming you are located in the `ProteinWorkshop` top-level directory
pip install -r docs/.docs.requirements # one-time only
rm -rf docs/build/ && sphinx-build docs/source/ docs/build/ # NOTE: errors can safely be ignored

Citing ProteinWorkshop

Please consider citing proteinworkshop if it proves useful in your work.

  title={Evaluating Representation Learning on the Protein Structure Universe},
  author={Arian R. Jamasb, Alex Morehead, Chaitanya K. Joshi, Zuobai Zhang, Kieran Didi, Simon V. Mathis, Charles Harris, Jian Tang, Jianlin Cheng, Pietro Lio, Tom L. Blundell},
  booktitle={The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations},

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