
Create a Raspbian image with wifi and SSH

MIT License


Headless Raspbian

This is a tool to create headless Raspbian images by downloading and patching the official ones. The only differences are:

  • Hostname is set
  • Wifi is set up
  • SSH is enabled
  • SSH pubkeys are configured (via GitHub)
  • Password authentication is disabled

This is just enough to get the thing booted up and ready to provision over SSH with Ansible or whatever. I know that I should be building proper images with pi-gen, but this seems simpler to keep up to date.

This is only tested on my Mac, but it might work wherever Vagrant does.


git clone https://github.com/adammck/headless-raspbian.git
cd headless-raspbian
cp vars.sh.example vars.sh
vi vars.sh

Once the image is built, one can flash it to a micro SD card using a tool like Etcher.
