
Use your Raspberry Pi to control 433 MHz RC power sockets

LGPL-3.0 License



Use your Raspberry Pi to control 433 MHz RC power sockets. Inspired by RC-Switch for Arduino.

PiSwitch is also available as an npm package.

I'm not able to test all code types, so if you encounter a problem, let me know. Issues and PRs welcome.


  • compatibility with RC-Switch, i.e., supports the same devices
  • code input in binary, tristate, and the following schemes:
    • 10 DIP switches (matching the regular expression /^[01]{10}$/)
    • two (often rotary) switches with 4 positions (/^[1-4]{2}$/)
    • Intertechno (/^[a-p][1-4]{2}$/)
    • REV (/^[a-d][123]$/)
  • easily extendable translation procedure with JSON dictionary

Installation & Usage


Attach your 433 MHz transmitter to VCC, GND, and a pin of your liking.


  1. Run npm install in the project directory to install PiSwitch’s dependencies.

  2. Choose between running as PiSwitch with root privileges or using the WiringPi gpio utility to export the GPIO pins, making them accessible to non-root users.

    (This is precisely the choice you have to make when using Wiring Pi’s setup methods, because that is what’s used.)

    Running as an unprivileged user is recommended and the default, so please have a look at the gpio util’s documentation. The relevant command is gpio export <pin> out (BCM numbering). (Take a look at gpio readall and Gadgetoid’s Pi pinout chart for pin numbers, both are really handy.)

    If you would rather run as root, pass mode: 'gpio' during setup (see below).

  3. Now take a look at example.js. Note:

    • setup() must be called to initialize WiringPi. You'll probably want to to pass key–value option pairs (e.g., { pulseLength: 350, pin: 27 }) that match your setup. See config.js.

    • send(code, type, off) is used to transmit an RC code, where

      • code matches one of the input schemes, e.g., 'ff0f00fffff0' or 'a3'
      • type is one of {'binary', 'tristate', 'dip', 'rotary',
        'intertechno', 'rev'} (default: 'binary')
      • off is true to send an off code (default: false, i.e., switch on)

      Some examples:

      • send('b2', 'rev') turns on the "B2" power socket of a system using REV
      • send('b2', 'rev', true) turns off the same socket
      • send('010100010000010101010101'), send('ff0f00ffffff', 'tristate'),
        and send('0010110000', 'dip') are all translated to the same transmission

If you have questions or run into problems, please file an issue. :)

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