
🗒️ Personal Stock Control System

MIT License



Personal Stock Control System

Don't you know the struggle with going to the grocery store and only then realizing you forgot to check what you still got at home and what you should buy. I had this problem quite often and ended up buying the stuff i already had, which led to me having 10 bottles of ketchup in my basement. The worst of it is, that i nearly always forgot to buy the stuff i needed. This ended up with me having to go for a second ride. For a guy living in a rural area this is more than annoying.

Note: This is just a temporary image until I get the time to make a image and video of the final, installed one


  • Keep track of the products in stock
  • Add and Remove products by scanning their barcode
  • Print an overview of the products in stock with your default printer
  • Print a shopping list with all the products 0 left in stock
  • Built for RaspberryPi Model3
  • Pretty low cost system for your household
  • 3D printfile of the case
  • Easy web interface to search all your products by name, amount or categorie


This is a "small" personal project where i'll use Java, JavaFX, the Gson-Libary, Apache-Web-Server, JSON-server and as Barcode libary to fix this problem for me. You can keep track of the items you have, the ones that are running out and the ones that are already empty. You can print out an overview of the stocks or a list of items that are already out of stock. If you're on the go, you can VPN into your home network and check which item and how many of them are still in stock.

I'll try to keep the setup costs as low as possible, so it'll be a system everyone can build. I have to admit, that it got more expensive than i thought. (You could decrease the price by just buying a Pi (35€) and a smaller screen (30-45€) to about 100€).

Physical parts are:

  • TaoTronics USB Laser-Barcodescanner (23€)
  • RaspberryPI 3 StarterKit which includes: (100€)
    • Raspberry Pi 3
    • Your Choice of Pibow 3
    • 8GB NOOBs microSD card
    • Chiclet Keyboard
    • Optical Mouse
    • Official Raspberry Pi 2A PSUn>
    • HDMI cable
    • Raspberry Pi Stickers
  • Tontec 7 inch High Resolution 1024 * 600 Screen Display LCD TFT Monitor(55€)

Total costs: 178€

  • UI of the JavaFX App
  • Very Simple but responsive WebPage of the Items

1. Finished print, printed with an Objet30 3D printer.

2. The case still has the wax like support structure in the holes and a thin layer all around.

3. It's possible to remove the support material with the fingers. It's pretty crumbly.

4. The company has this stationary pressure washer.

5. There are two different hoses with different pressure.

6. With enough time you can get rid of all the support structure.

Rectangle2D displayDims = Screen.getPrimary().getBounds();
Scene primaryScene = new Scene(root, displayDims.getWidth(), displayDims.getHeight());
new File(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/Desktop")
ln -s {target-filename} {symbolic-filename}   
Extracted from project README
GitHub license built for RaspberryPi built with JavaFX
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