
React Native bottom sheet with fully native 60 FPS animations and awesome user experience

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⚠️ IMPORTANT: This Library has been deprecated in favor of react-native-bottom-sheet because this Library is using Reanimated V1


Highly configurable component imitating native bottom sheet behavior, with fully native 60 FPS animations!

Built from scratch with react-native-interactable-reanimated and react-native-reanimated.

Usable with Expo with no extra native dependencies!


Open a Terminal in the project root and run:

yarn add react-native-bottomsheet-reanimated react-native-interactable-reanimated

or if you use npm:

npm install react-native-bottomsheet-reanimated

If you are using Expo, you are done.

If you don't use Expo, install and link react-native-gesture-handler and react-native-reanimated.


import BottomSheet from 'react-native-bottomsheet-reanimated';

class Example extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
          initialPosition={'50%'} //200, 300
          snapPoints={['50%', '100%']}
          // backDropColor="red"
          // isModal
          // containerStyle={{backgroundColor:"red"}}
          // tipStyle={{backgroundColor:"red"}}
          // headerStyle={{backgroundColor:"red"}}
          // bodyStyle={{backgroundColor:"red",flex:1}}
              <Text style={styles.text}>Header</Text>
            <View style={styles.body}>
              <Text style={styles.text}>Body</Text>


name required default description
keyboardAware no false true will avoid current snap when keyboard will open.
overDrag no true false will disable overdrag of last snap, false will also disable bounce' and isModal`.
keyboardAwareExtraSnapHeight no 0 when keyboardAware=true and this is for adding extra space in snap when keyboard open
keyboardAwareDrag no false when keyboardAware=true and this is used for enable or disable drag when keyboard open
onChangeKeyboardAwareSnap no when keyboardAware=true then it give keyboard awareview snap. onChangeKeyboardAwareSnap: (previousSnap: number,nextSnap: number,keyboardHeight: number) => void;
snapPoints yes E.g. [300, 200, 0]. Points for snapping of bottom sheet coomponent. They define distance from bottom of the screen. Might be number or percent (as string e.g. '20%') for points or percents of screen height from bottom. Note: Array values must be in descending order.
initialPosition no 0 Determines initial position point of bottom sheet. The value outside of snap points.
body no Method for rendering scrollable content of bottom sheet.
header no Method for rendering non-scrollable header of bottom sheet.
isBackDrop no false for show backdrop behind the bottom sheet.
isBackDropDismissByPress no false enable to move bottomsheet to first snappoint by pressing backdrop.
isRoundBorderWithTipHeader no false give round with tip header style to bottomsheet.
isModal no false to make bottom sheet like modal.
bounce no 0.5 for increase or decrease bounce effect
isAnimatedYFromParent no If true then give animated value to animatedValueY props.
animatedValueY no If isAnimatedYFromParent will be true then it will give animtedY value to animatedValueY props.
bottomSheerColor no #ffffff for background color of bottom sheet.
tipStyle no for change style of tip. it is dependted on isRoundBorderWithTipHeader.
headerStyle no for change style of header.
bodyStyle no for change style of body.
dragEnabled no true for enable/disable drag
tipHeaderRadius no 12 for tip header border radius
onClose no Method call when bottomsheet close
containerStyle no for change style of container
bodyContainerStyle no for change style of body container
onChangeSnap no Method call when change any snap



Imperative method on for snapping to snap point in given index. E.g.

// Snap to the snap point at index 0 (e.g. 450 in [450, 300, 0])

Here this.refs.BottomSheet refers to the ref passed to the BottomSheet component.


More complex examples can be found in the Example folder. To view the examples in the Expo app, open a Terminal and run:

cd Example
expo start

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

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