



A simple external career mode for Automobilista 2, built as a web application for desktops and mobile browsers. For the user guide, head to the wiki:

The rest of this README serves as minimal technical documentation.

Basic Details

Main libraries / frameworks:

Points of interest:

  • src/types defines the data model
  • src/store contains customizations to the Redux store, including saving / loading into Local Storage, and simple save versioning / migration support.
  • src/app/data contains static data curated manually in CSV files, and code to access that data
  • src/app/components contains components used in multiple pages / containers
  • src/app/slices contains slices used in multiple pages / containers
  • src/pages is where most of the UI lives

Local development is super simple:

  • yarn install
  • yarn start starts a development server, and tries to open your browser to load it. This has live reloading, error reporting, debugging support, the works.
  • yarn test runs tests, obviously. At the time of writing coverage is extremely spotty. Help improve it?

The data shipped with the app is maintained in this Google Sheet. yarn run update-data fetches the current contents into the source tree (which is packaged with the app at build time).

Contributing: make a pull request :) Ideally add a few tests as well for the code you're adding / changing.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

Extracted from project README
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