
Ecommerce website with React Hooks and Redux.


Redux Ecommerce

Simple ecommerce website made with React Hooks and Redux.

Demo and Codesandbox

  • Live demo is available here: Demo
  • Codesandbox is available here: Codesandbox


  • Home, Products, Product Details, Liked, Cart, Login, Profile and Error pages
  • State management with Redux
  • Responsive design with Bootstrap
  • Products pagination with infinite scroll
  • Insert Advertisements at every N products
  • Products sorting by price, weight, size asc and desc
  • Product filtering by brand and color
  • Ability to like the products (wishlist)
  • Product Details page with image magnify
  • Cart with increment, decrement and remove product abilities
  • Local Login/Register with Formik validation
  • Login with Google OAuth, client side auth
  • Profile page is behind protected route
  • Product card with loader for image loading
  • Toast messages for adding, liking a product, login/logout with Google/Local and network errors
  • Loading state with spinner with text or default spinner
  • Two fake backends with Promise and Axios-Mock-Adapter strategies
  • Config file with settable pagination page size, advertisement index and fake backend delay
  • Dynamic data creation and randomizing with Faker
  • Dynamic carousel width with React Container Dimensions and image cropping with object-fit:cover

Libraries used

  • React with Hooks, Redux, Redux Thunk
  • React Bootstrap with Cosmo theme
  • React Infinite Scroller, React Image Magnify, React Google Login, React Container Dimensions
  • Axios, Axios Mock Adapter, Formik, Faker

Installation and running

  • npm install
  • npm run start app wil be loaded on http://localhost:3002


Github pages deployment

# must use HashRouter
# set "homepage": "/redux-ecommerce/#", in package.json

# must have in .env

# must have this env var in terminal
export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider

# redeploy
npm run deploy
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