
A shopping app using React Navigation, Redux, Redux-Thunk and Firebase.


Shopping App

A shopping app using React Navigation, Redux, Redux-Thunk and Firebase.


  • authentication screen to log in or sign up.
  • shop to see all products and product details.
  • cart to add/remove products and order them.
  • orders screen to retrieve orders.
  • user admin to create, update and delete products.

React Navigation

  • handling stack of screens for products, orders and user admin with createStackNavigator and createAppContainer.
  • using props.navigation to navigate between screens.
  • handling data from component to header with setParams and getParam.
  • custom header title with navigationOptions.
  • custom cart button in the header with react-navigation-header-buttons.
  • custom SideDrawer with react-navigation-drawer.
  • adding listener with props.navigation.addListener to reload data from server.
  • handling manual logout with SafeAreaView and DrawerNavigatorItems.
  • handling autologout and forced reload with a custom wrapper for the navigator thanks to useRef and NavigationActions.

Redux and React-Redux

  • using actions and reducers to authenticate and to store data (token and user ID, products, cart, orders).
  • using useSelector hook to get the state.
  • using props.navigation to pass data to the header without re-render.
  • using useDispatch hook to dispatch actions.
  • passing useDispatch to the header with useEffect and useCallback to limit re-render cycles.
  • handling logic for the cart (quantity, removing a product and clearing the cart).
  • debugging with redux-devtools-extension and React Native debugger.

React Native

  • using FlatList, ScrollView, TouchableOpacity, KeyboardAvoidingView, ActivityIndicator, Alert, AsyncStorage and SafeAreaView.
  • custom reusable components (Card, HeaderButton, Input).
  • custom fonts, color and environment constants.
  • using React hooks (useState, useEffect, useCallback, useReducer, useRef).
  • handling input validation with useReducer and custom TextInput component.
  • handling dates with Moment.js.
  • handling sessions with AsyncStorage, setItem and getItem.

Redux-Thunk and Firebase

  • using Redux-thunk as a middleware to add async code.
  • using Firebase as a database for products and orders with fetch (POST, PATCH, DELETE).
  • handling authentication with Firebase (email and password).
  • showing a loading spinner with ActivityIndicator and useState while fetching data/trying to authenticate.
  • handling errors with try/catch blocks and throwing Alerts.
  • using getState from Redux-thunk to send http requests with a token.


Add your Firebase url and key in constants/Environment.js.

Based on React Native - The Practical Guide by Maximilian Schwarzmüller.