
The ROS2 Humble package offers a starting point for high-level task control of your robotic application. It is based on the BehaviorTree.CPP framework.

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IRAS Coordinator

This package uses the BehaviorTree.IRAS framework which is a wrapper around the BehaviorTree.cpp v3.8 library and extends it for the combined use of behavior trees with ROS 2 Humble.

The IRAS Coordinator offers a starting point for high-level task control of your robotic application. Just clone this package and change the git remote and develop behaviors for your own custom project.

git clone -b humble
cd iras_coordinator
git remote remove origin
git remote add origin <your_repo_adress>

The library of actions can be arranged freely with the graphical user interface Groot.

How to start

Build and start the docker container


Inside the container launch the Coordinator node with parameters

ros2 launch iras_coordinator

To view or modify the behavior trees, attach a new shell and start Groot

docker exec -it coordinator bash
ros2 run groot Groot

How to start with C++ debugging

Install VSCode extension:

  • Remote Development
  • ROS
  • C/C++

Mount settings folder .vscode to target directory for development

# Add parameter to docker run command
-v $PWD/.vscode:/home/docker/ros2_ws/src/.vscode
  1. Attach to running docker container with VSCode remote extension
  2. Open remote folder where .vscode is mounted to
  3. Install ROS and C/C++ extension in container
  4. Use command palette (strg + shift + p) and Tasks: Run Task and Build
  5. Use VSCode debugger and stop points for debugging

How to design a new Behavior Tree

  1. Start the docker container as normal

  2. If new BT nodes were added or ports changed regenerate the GrootPalette by starting a test BT.

    # in ~/ros2_ws/
    colcon build
    ros2 launch iras_coordinator
  3. Start Groot in Editor mode

    ros2 run groot Groot
    # Click "Editor" and "START"
  4. Load GrootPalette with all custom nodes. Click on -> to load palette from file. Choose the file from: /home/docker/ros2_ws/src/iras_coordinator/behaviors/GrootPalette.xml

  5. Build BT via drag and drop

  6. Save tree to file. Click on -> to save. Choose location as: /home/docker/ros2_ws/src/iras_coordinator/behaviors/<your_folder_name>/

  7. Modify config parameter

    # in /home/docker/ros2_ws/src/iras_coordinator/config/params.yaml
    main_tree_path: "/home/docker/ros2_ws/src/iras_coordinator/behaviors/<your_folder_name>/<your_tree_name>.xml"

    OR create a new launch file with this parameter

    # in /home/docker/ros2_ws/src/iras_coordinator/launch/<your_launch_file>>
    parameters=[{'main_tree_path': "/home/docker/ros2_ws/src/iras_coordinator/behaviors/<your_folder_name>/<your_tree_name>.xml",
                 'groot_palette_path': "/home/docker/ros2_ws/src/iras_coordinator/behaviors/GrootPalette.xml"}],
  8. Launch your node

How to create a new custom node

There are currently 4 different types of nodes supported:

  • actions Use for ROS2 action client
  • services Use for ROS2 service client
  • conditions Use for classic BT condition with ROS2 node handle access
  • nodes Use for classic BT action with ROS2 node handle access

This instructions gives an example for a ROS2 action client

  1. Add a new header file in the corresponding folder at iras_coordinator/include/iras_coordinator/actions. For this, copy an existing file from that folder and rename. Use this structure as template. Copy MoveBase.h and rename to MyCustomActionNode.h.
  2. Add a new source file in iras_coordinator/src/actions. Copy MoveBase.cpp and rename to MyCustomActionNode.cpp.
  3. In this source file change the first line to include your newly added header.
    Replace: #include <iras_coordinator/actions/MoveBase.h>
    // in MyCustomActionNode.cpp
    #include <iras_coordinator/actions/MyCustomActionNode.h>
  4. In your header file MyCustomActionNode.h include the header files of your ROS2 interface you want to use. In this example it is located in the iras_interfaces package.
    Replace: #include <nav2_msgs/action/navigate_to_pose.hpp>
    Important: Interface header files are generated automatically. If your Interface file is called MyCustomAction.action (PascalCase) the generated header will be my_custom_action.hpp (snake_case).
    // in MyCustomActionNode.h
    #include <iras_interfaces/action/my_custom_action.hpp>
  5. Give an alias as shorter name.
    Replace: using NavigateToPoseAction = nav2_msgs::action::NavigateToPose;
    // in MyCustomActionNode.h
    using MyCustomAction = iras_interfaces::action::MyCustomAction;
  6. Replace all occurences where old alias is used with new one in .ccp and .h file. Use VSCode find and replace (strg + f) or rename symbol (F2) shortcut.
  7. Change the class name to the same name as the file.
    Replace: class MoveArm : public RosAction<MoveArmMoveIt>
    Important: The class name must be different from the given alias.
    // in MyCustomActionNode.h
    class MyCustomActionNode : public RosAction<MyCustomAction>
  8. Replace all occurences of the old class name in the source file .ccp with new one. Use VSCode find and replace (strg + f) or rename symbol (F2) shortcut.
    Replace: For every function: std::string MoveBase::ros2_action_name()
    // in MyCustomActionNode.cpp
    // for every function
    std::string MyCustomActionNode::ros2_action_name()
    /* ... */
  9. Set the topic name of the ROS2 action server to connect with as string.
    // in MyCustomActionNode.cpp
    std::string MyCustomActionNode::ros2_action_name()
        return "my_custom_action_topic";
  10. Set the list of ports provided by the BT node.
    // in MyCustomActionNode.cpp
    /* New port:
    *      direction = [BT::InputPort, BT::OutputPort, BT::BidirectionalPort]
    *      data_type = <[float, int, std::string]>
    *      name = ("name") */
    BT::PortsList MyCustomActionNode::providedPorts()
        return {BT::InputPort<std::string>("string_input"),
                /* ... */};
  11. Set the content of the goal message which is sent to the ROS2 action server.
    // in MyCustomActionNode.cpp
    void MyCustomActionNode::on_send(MyCustomAction::Goal &goal)
        goal.header.frame_id = "custom_frame";
        goal.header.stamp = get_node_handle()->now();
        /* ... */
        log("Custom goal sent");
  12. Define what happens when recieving feedback from the ROS2 action server.
    // in MyCustomActionNode.cpp
    void MyCustomActionNode::on_feedback(const std::shared_ptr<const NavigateToPoseAction::Feedback> feedback)
        /* ... */
        log("Feedback no. " + std::to_string(feedback.counter) + " recieved");
  13. Define what happens when recieving the result from the ROS2 action server.
    // in MyCustomActionNode.cpp
    void MyCustomActionNode::on_result(const rclcpp_action::ClientGoalHandle<MyCustomAction>::WrappedResult &result, const MyCustomAction::Goal &goal)
        /* ... */
        log("Action finished");
  14. Include your header file in the Coordinator node at iras_coordinator/src/node.cpp
    // in node.cpp
    #include <iras_coordinator/actions/MyCustomActionNode.h>
  15. Register your node in the BehaviorTreeFactory.
    Important: The string given here defines the name of the node in BT XML representation and Groot.
    // in node.cpp
  16. Rebuild and start the container as described above. This will generate an updated GrootPalette to use in the graphical editor Groot as described in "How to design a new Behavior Tree"


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.


  • Groot Palette for new navigation actions clear costmap initialpose
  • (Integrate LifecycleManager to Coordinator)
  • (Integrate cpp_core)
  • Better name ros_name() Make function for each type action, service, etc
  • Add Groot publisher integration
  • Add RosPublisher and RosSubscriber
  • finish PortHandler and rename XMLDefinition
  • Add general doc with purpose of this repo
  • Add instructions how to add new nodes
  • Add instructions how to edit BT with Groot
  • Finish refactoring of lagacy nodes with new style
  • Add cpp debugger for ros nodes and launch files (ROS extension has to be installed)
  • Restructure repo folders. Move cpp_core and bt.iras to separate repo
  • Add iras_dummies package for faster development of behaviors and offer templates for ROS2 dummy server

Port from FOXY to HUMBLE: