
A plugin for Administrate to use Ransack for filtering resources

MIT License


Administrate Ransack

A plugin for Administrate to use Ransack for filtering resources.


  • add Ransack search results using module prepend inside an Administrate controller;
  • offer a filters partial based on the resource's attributes;
  • customize searchable attributes.


  • After installing Administrate, add to Gemfile: gem 'administrate_ransack' (and execute bundle)
  • Edit your admin resource controller adding inside the class body:
prepend AdministrateRansack::Searchable
  • Add to your resource index view (ex. to generate the index for a Post model: bin/rails generate administrate:views:index Post):
<%= render('administrate_ransack/filters') %>
  • Update your model (ex. Post) exposing the ransackable attributes and associations, skipping this step will raise an exception that explains in details:
class Post < ApplicationRecord
  # ...

  class << self
    def ransackable_attributes(_auth_object = nil)
      %w[title description]

    def ransackable_associations(_auth_object = nil)
  • See the Usage section for extra options


  • The filters partial accepts some optional parameters:
    • attribute_labels: hash used to override the field labels, ex. { title: "The title" }
    • attribute_types: hash used to specify the filter fields, ex. { title: Administrate::Field::String }
    • search_path: the path to use for searching (form URL)
    • namespace: the namespace used by Administrate, ex. :supervisor
  • For associations (has many/belongs to) the label used can be customized adding an admin_label method to the target model which returns a string while the collection can by filtered with admin_scope. Example:
# Sample post model
class Post < ApplicationRecord
  scope :admin_scope, -> { where(published: true) }

  def admin_label
  • For has_many associations it is possible to use Selectize in place of the checkboxes using:
<!-- Set options for an association named: tags -->
<%= render('administrate_ransack/filters', options: { tags: 'select' } ) %>
  • To use scopes in filters it's needed to update also the ransackable_scopes in the model, example:
# Sample post model
class Post < ApplicationRecord
  scope :recents, ->(dt = 1.month.ago) { where('dt > ?', dt).order(dt: :desc) }
  scope :by_category, ->(category) { where(category: category) }

  class << self
    def ransackable_scopes(_auth_object = nil)
      %i[by_category recents]
<!-- Sample index view -->
<%= render(
  attribute_types: { recents: Administrate::Field::DateTime, by_category: Administrate::Field::String }
) %>


  • Administrate Search logic works independently from Ransack searches, I suggest to disable it eventually (ex. overriding show_search_bar? in the controller or removing the bar from the view)
  • Date/time filters use Rails datetime_field method which produces a datetime-local input field, at the moment this type of element is not broadly supported, a workaround is to include flatpickr datetime library.
    • This gem checks if flatpickr function is available in the global scope and applies it to the datetime-local filter inputs;
    • you can include the library using your application assets or via CDN, ex. adding to app/views/layouts/admin/application.html.erb:
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/dist/flatpickr.min.css">
  <script src="[email protected]/dist/flatpickr.min.js"></script>

    // optionally change the flatpikr options:
    window.flatpickr_filters_options = { dateFormat: "Y-m-d" };


  • Ransack options can be customized defining a ransack_options method in the controller, example:
module Admin
  class PostsController < Admin::ApplicationController
    prepend AdministrateRansack::Searchable

    def ransack_options
      # raises an exception on unknown parameters
      { ignore_unknown_conditions: false }
  • Sample call of the filters partial with different options provided:
# In alternative prepare an hash in the dashboard like RANSACK_TYPES = {}
attribute_types = {
  title: Administrate::Field::String,
  author: Administrate::Field::BelongsTo,
  category: Administrate::Field::Select.with_options(collection: Post.categories.to_a),
  published: Administrate::Field::Boolean
attribute_labels = {
  author: 'Written by',
  title: nil
<%= render(
  attribute_types: attribute_types,
  attribute_labels: attribute_labels,
  search_path: admin_root_path
) %>
  • Another option is to prepare some hashes constants in the dashboard (ex. RANSACK_TYPES):
<%= render('administrate_ransack/filters', attribute_types: @dashboard.class::RANSACK_TYPES) %>

Sample styles

  • Some basic style to setup the filters as a sidebar (see the screenshot below):
.main-content__body {
  display: inline-block;
  width: calc(100% - 320px);
  vertical-align: top;

[data-administrate-ransack-filters] {
  display: inline-block;
  padding-left: 10px;
  padding-top: 10px;
  width: 300px;

[data-administrate-ransack-filters] .filter {
  margin-bottom: 10px;

[data-administrate-ransack-filters] .filters-buttons {
  margin-top: 30px;

Screenshot: screenshot

  • Alternative styles for an horizontal search bar:
[data-administrate-ransack-filters] {
  border: 1px solid #ddd;
  padding: 10px;
  text-align: center;

[data-administrate-ransack-filters] .filters {
  display: inline-block;

[data-administrate-ransack-filters] .filter, [data-administrate-ransack-filters] .filter > label {
  display: inline-block;

[data-administrate-ransack-filters] .filter > input {
  display: inline-block;
  width: auto;

[data-administrate-ransack-filters] .filters-buttons {
  display: inline-block;
  margin-left: 20px;

Screenshot: screenshot2

Extra notes

  • If you need to define custom search logics you can skip prepending the module (AdministrateRansack::Searchable) and create your own search query in a controller (but you need to assign the Ransack search object to @ransack_results for the filters partial), for example:
  def scoped_resource
    @ransack_results = super.ransack(params[:q])
    @ransack_results.result(distinct: true)
  • Sometimes it's easier to create a new Ransack field than overriding the search logic (there are a lot of good examples in the Ransack Wiki), example to search in a jsonb field adding to a Post model:
  ransacker :keywords do
    Arel.sql("posts.metadata ->> 'keywords'")
  • With Administrate Ransack you can easily create links to other resources applying some filters, example to add in a tag show page the link to the related posts:
  <%= link_to("Tag's posts", admin_posts_path('q[tags_id_in][]':, class: "button") %>

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  • Mattia Roccoberton: author
  • The good guys that opened issues and pull requests from time to time


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

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