
An open source algorithmic contest platform



Contestrus is a platform for hosting algorithmic competitions. It is planned to feature:

  • Different task styles. ACM ICPC (Accepted/Not accepted) ✓, IOI (Partial scores) ✓,
    Open/Hidden Input.
  • Customized contest forms. Contestrus comes with built-in importers for a
    simple contest format, but it's easy to write importers from an existing
    format. ✓
  • Simple, fast interface. A useful interface that helps the participants as much
    as possible.
  • API. An API that lets users submit their programs via an API and view their
  • Sandboxing. Sandboxing is provided by running each submission within its own
    Docker container. ✓
  • Administration interface. An interface to monitor and edit contests. ✓
  • Contest and training. Support both running contests but also an open
    environment to train on tasks of previous contests. ✓
  • Support for teams.
  • Announcements. Ability to push announcements to participants during a

Many contest environments are complicated to set up. Contestrus is aiming to be extremely simple to set up with Docker for ease of deployment.

Current status is that it definitely works and the core is pretty stable. It's been used to host a few competitions at Shopify without problems.


Pull down the latest Contestrus Docker image:

docker pull Sirupsen/contestrus

Create and migrate the sqlite database:

docker run \
  --volume  /var/lib/contestrus:/db \
  --env     RAILS_ENV=production \
  sirupsen/contestrus migrate

Run the Contestrus web server:

docker run \
  --volume  /var/log/contestrus:/app/log \
  --volume  /var/lib/contestrus:/db \
  --env     RAILS_ENV=production \
  --publish 80:4000 \
  sirupsen/contestrus web

Run the Contestrus worker:

docker run \
  --volume  /var/log/contestrus:/app/log \
  --volume  /var/lib/contestrus:/db \
  --volume  /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  --volume  /var/lib/docker:/var/lib/docker \
  --env     RAILS_ENV=production \
  sirupsen/contestrus worker

Grab the sandboxing images (will eventually be just one):

docker pull bouk/gcc
docker pull bouk/coffee
docker pull bouk/golang
docker pull bouk/node
docker pull bouk/pypy
docker pull bouk/ruby

Import a competition (there's a sample in the root of the project):

docker run \
  --volume /home/me/competition:/competition \
  sirupsen/contestrus import