

This is a demo and teaching tool

This repository is intended as a demonstration of using ROM in a Rails application. Where possible, I'll be writing detailed commit messages; reading the logs will hopefully be instructive.

I also hope for this to be a usable application, for my own purposes. Only by actually using the application can you really expect to find out how well it performs, and that will help inform whether or not some of the breakdowns I'm planning will actually work well.

My writing and explanation on this is going to assume familiarity with writing Ruby and Rails applications; I'm generally only going to talk through the parts that deviate from usual Rails practice.

Assuming I can get my act together on the writing front, I'll also step along with this on my blog; links when and if that happens.

The Plan

I'm going to start with a monolithic Rails application using rom-rails as it's data access solution, rather than ActiveRecord. From there, I'll look at running the application inside a docker container.

Later, I'm planning on breaking the app apart, replacing the Rails monolith with a smaller number of services interacting in both HTTP api and in an event-sourced paradigm. The idea here is to demonstrate how ROM helps decouple from data sources, and supports blending data from multiple sources.

The application

I make coffee at home. Not that K-Cup stuff; Real Coffee. I grind fresh beans on the spot, and (usually) use a Chemex pourover. Sometimes it's a french press.

There are a lot of variables to tweak when you do this. The fineness of the grind, how hot the water is, water-to-bean ratio, duration of the bloom ... heck, even the age of the beans is a factor. I want to log these things, and figure out how they impact the final cup.

Yes, I am an engineer, and I'm going to overanalyse the way I make coffee. Nothing in that should be surprising.