
E-Commerce Rails App - from Agile Web Development with Rails 7



PDF Page: 121 Book Page: 105

Why Agile Web Development with Rails 7?

  • I recently completed the Learn Ruby on Rails for Beginners course offered by Chris Oliver. It is a great introduction to Ruby and Rails and I highly recommend it. It has been a while since I've jumped into Ruby and Rails. I've followed Agile Web Development with Rails book in the past (older edition) and I was very impressed with what I learned. This is a refresher for me with all the new Rails stuff!

Other Info

  • Use bin/dev to run the application locally. (Not rails s)

  • Use bin/rails dbconsole to access the SQLite database.

  • Use bin/rails test to run the tests.

  • Use bin/rails test:models to run the tests for the models.

  • Use bin/rails db:test:prepare to prepare the database for testing. (usually done automatically)

  • Ruby version - 3.1.1

  • Rails version -