
itch-scratching app to send out a HTML Happy New Year email to friends and family


Holiday Mailer

Holiday Mailer is an app to create your own electronic alternative to the snail-mail photo holiday card written by "Luke Melia": It is not designed for easy re-use (yet), but feel free to fork and do your own thing.


  • Update the secret token in config/initializers/secret_token.rb
  • Create a Facebook app at and set the HOLIDAY_MAILER_FACEBOOK_APP_ID and HOLIDAY_MAILER_FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET environment variables
  • Copy config/settings.yml-example to config/settings.yml and edit
  • Copy config/default_body.erb-example to config/default_body.erb and edit
  • Copy config/initializers/smtp_settings.rb-example to config/initializers/smtp_settings.rb and edit
  • Replace the photo of my family in public/images with one of your family
  • Edit database.yml
  • Change the default password in the bort migration (initially admin/billie)
  • Edit the REST_AUTH_SITE_KEY in each of the environment files
  • rake db:create
  • rake db:migrate


And of course....

Happy Holidays!