
Initjs helps you organize your javascript to play nice with Rails' asset pipeline. Providing a simple and automatic way to execute your javascript into a specific page

MIT License


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Initjs helps you organize your javascript to play nice with Rails' asset pipeline. Providing a simple and automatic way to execute your javascript into a specific page.

Works fine with Turbolinks and pjax.

Javascript structure example

The structure you need follow is the same of your controller and actions on your Rails application.

Simple objects

AppName.Posts ?= {}

AppName.Posts.New =
  init: ->
    # Javascript for the page "posts/new"
  modules: -> []
AppName.Posts ?= {}

AppName.Posts.Show =
  init: ->
    # Javascript for the page "posts/1"
   modules: -> []

We support namespaces too:

AppName.Blog ?= {}
AppName.Blog.Posts ?= {}

AppName.Blog.Posts.Show =
  init: ->
    # Javascript for the page "blog/posts/1"
   modules: -> []

Also you can use just a function, if you'll not use modules.

AppName.Posts ?= {}

AppName.Posts.New = ->
  # Javascript for the page "posts/new"

Using Backbone.js

AppName.Posts ?= {}

AppName.Posts.New =
  init: Backbone.View.extend
    # Javascript for the page "posts/new"
   modules: -> []


  • Rails 3.1 or higher
  • jQuery (jquery-rails)
  • CoffeeScript (coffee-rails)


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'initjs'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Run the generator:

rails generate initjs:install

Make sure initjs generator has injected //= require app_name/app_name.js and //= require init.js to your Javascript manifest file (usually in app/assets/javascripts/application.js).


Include the Initjs tag in your application layout (usually in app/view/layouts/application.html.erb) right after the opening of the body tag.

  <%= initjs_tag 'AppName' %>

Why this tag? This tag will add the informations about the controller and action that is been executed.

The app file

The app file is the main file for your application, you can set some configurations and put some common code that you need to run on each page. This app file is usually in app/assets/javascripts/app_name/ See the default file below:

#= require_self
#= require_tree .

window.AppName =
    turbolinks: true # True to use initjs with Turbolinks by default.
    pjax: false # True to use initjs with pjax by default.
    respond_with: # To not use respond_with, just set false.
      'Create': 'New' # Respond the Create action with the New.
      'Update': 'Edit' # Respond the Update action with the Edit.

  initPage: ->
    # If you are using the Turbolinks and you need run a code only one time, put something here.
    # if you're not using the turbolinks, there's no difference between init and initPage.
  init: ->
    # Something here. This is called in every page, with or without Turbolinks.


How about code that we need over and over again? Initjs was a solution for that: Modules!

Modules is the solution to not repeat the same code in more than one place. We just create a function with the code that we need in more than one place and then in the view we need use it, we just say it.


AppName.Tabs = ->
  $('.tabs a').click ->
    # do something when the link is clicked
AppName.Posts.Show =

  modules: -> [AppName.Tabs]

This AppName.Tabs will be automatically called when you access /posts/1 for example.

You also can declare modules for controller, namespaces and for the app, and even modules:

AppName.Posts.modules = -> [AppName.Tabs]

This is saying to use the AppName.Tabs module on all pages that is on posts controller.

AppName.Tabs =
  init: ->
    $('.tabs a').click ->
      # do something when the link is clicked
   modules: -> [AppName.SomeOtherModule]

To declare modules for entire the app, you can do it on the app file:

window.AppName =
  initPage: ->
    # ...

  # ...

  modules: -> [AppName.Tabs]


Sometimes we need execute a javascript for html that will be rendered from a request using ajax/pjax and then execute the javascript. Initjs give you support for that.

You will need add on your 'partial' the initjs_tag and say that is a partial:

<%= initjs_tag app_name: 'AppName', partial: true %>

Then you'll need call the Initjs initialize for the partial. Let's say we are using pjax to request the 'partial'.

$('.pjax-content').on 'pjax:complete', ->

Then Initjs will execute the javascript for that 'partial'.

Important: Modules in controller, namespace and in the application will not be initialized on partials, only modules in the specific view. The init function on the app file will be called on partials.

Respond with

Let's say we have a form for edit a post with validations on the back-end side. My action is edit and the javascript is write for that action. When I submit this form and get an error, the action that is executing is update and not edit anymore. So Initjs should call the Posts.Update right? Right! But I need the same code that Posts.Edit uses to be executed on Posts.Update and I should be able to do it without repeating the code. Since Initjs 2.0.0 we have this feature by default.

On the app file we have a configuration saying the default action that will be executed.

window.AppName =
	# ...
      'Create': 'New' # Respond the Create action with the New.
      'Update': 'Edit' # Respond the Update action with the Edit.

You can change these actions or add more if you need.

Also you can disable this feature if you don't need it, just set false to respond_with variable.

Important: Initjs will take a look to see if is there a function for the view first of executing the respond_with, if so, it will initialize the view and not the respond_with configured action.

Recomended directory structure

Here is the app folder app/assets/javascripts/app_name/.

  • app_name
    • [controller]
      • [action]
      • [other_action]
    • [other_controller]
      • [action].js
      • [other_action]
      • [more_action]
    • [namespace]
      • [controllers]
        • [action]


  1. Generate a controller folder:
rails g initjs:add [controllers]
rails g initjs:add posts

* /app_name
    * /posts
  1. Generate an action file:
rails g initjs:add [controllers] [action]
rails g initjs:add posts new

* /app_name
    * /posts
  1. Generate multiple actions files:
rails g initjs:add [controllers] [action_1] [action_2] ... [action_n]
rails g initjs:add posts new create edit update

* /app_name
    * /posts
  1. Generate namespaced controller and action:
rails g initjs:add [namespace]/[controllers] [action_1] [action_2] ... [action_n]
rails g initjs:add blog/posts new

* /app_name
    * /blog
        * /posts



  • Added support to Turbolinks 5 #13


  • Fix initialization when using IE8 and Turbolinks


  • Fix InitPartial with multiple partials.


  • Fix duplicated initialization with Turbolinks 2.x (It will break your app if you are using Turbolinks 1.x)


  • Add support for objects instead of only fuctions
  • Add support for modules
  • Add support for configurations
  • Add support for pjax
  • Add support to initialize inside a partial (pjax friendly)
  • Add support for respond_with
  • Remove the default namespace Common on app file
  • Remove the finish filter
  • Lots of refactoring and improvements


  • Remove the the necessity of pass app_name on initjs_tag
  • Change from =-> to = -> on generators
  • Use ?= {} instead of if statement
  • Change if statement for Trubolinks
  • Others minor fixes


  • Add support for application name
  • Add 'install' generator
  • Add 'add' generator
  • Improve the specs


  • Add Rails 4 compatibility


  • Solve bug on IE in addEventListener


  • Add initPage support to work better with Turbolinks


  • First release

Development environment

Make sure you install Ruby 2.0.0.

Then just checkout the code, configure dependencies and run the tests:

  1. Clone the repository:

git clone git://

  1. Enter the repo directory.

cd initjs

  1. Install Bundler.

gem install bundler

  1. Install all dependencies from Gemspec:

bundler install

Running tests

  1. Run the rspec

    rake spec


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


I have thanks to @diogob, that is my inspiration for this gem and thanks for core of code (gist:2321526)


Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Josemar Luedke

Licensed under the MIT license.

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