
This app is aimed to connect mentor and mentee from around the world, to make software development journey easier for the newbies developer by getting tips, ideas and guide from experience software developer (mentor).

MIT License



This app is aim to connect mentor and mentee from around the world, to make software development journey easier for the newbies developer by getting tips, ideas and guide from experience software developer (mentor).

Built With

  • Ruby
  • Ruby on Rails (v7.0.3.1)
  • postgresql
  • postman

Built With

Get Started

To get a clone of the project, run `git clone`

cd `Mentor-booking-App-Backend`

Start Front-end React server

  • Clone the project
  • navigate to the folder cd Mentor-Booking-app-frontend
  • run npm i to install all dependencies
  • Start server npm start and choose the yes option to start server in different port (not 3000)
  • Enjoy interacting with the app.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

bundle install to install require tools for the project to run

rails server


Rspec spec to run all the test

For more details, see Ruby on Rails Guides (v7.0.3.1).


👤 Adekunle Ismail

👤 Zelalem Mekonnen

👤 Alfred Bisimwa

👤 zieeco

👤 Wuletaw Wonte

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


  • Hat tip to microverse for their support
  • Thanks to minimal for the awesome design.

📝 License

  • This project is MIT licensed.
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