
MIT License


rocket-rides-scalable Build Status

This is a project based on the original Rocket Rides repository to demonstrate what it might look like to implement reads from a replica that are guaranteed to never be stale. See the associated article for full details.


If you look in Procfile, you'll see these processes:

  • api: The main Rocket Rides API. It responds to requests and writes data to
    Postgres. On read requests, it may delegate the read to a replica instead of
    the primary.
  • observer: A background process that periodically (by default, every 0.5
    seconds) connects to each replica, checks the last WAL LSN (log sequence
    number) that it applies, then persists the data set to Postgres.
  • simulator: Random issues requests to the api. First it creates a new
    ride, then it consumes the ride by retrieving the same ID that it just
    created. Depending on replication status, this retrieval may go to a replica
    or to the primary.

After you run forego start you should see the simulator issuing jobs against api right away. The api will log whether each retrieval went to the primary or a replica. Here's a sample trace (and note that in Sequel lingo, default is equivalent to "primary"):

$ forego start | grep 'Reading ride'
api.1       | Reading ride 96 from server 'replica0'
api.1       | Reading ride 97 from server 'replica0'
api.1       | Reading ride 98 from server 'replica0'
api.1       | Reading ride 99 from server 'replica1'
api.1       | Reading ride 100 from server 'replica4'
api.1       | Reading ride 101 from server 'replica2'
api.1       | Reading ride 102 from server 'replica0'
api.1       | Reading ride 103 from server 'default'
api.1       | Reading ride 104 from server 'default'
api.1       | Reading ride 105 from server 'replica2'

api won't read from the primary unless it has no choice, but even so, you'll see that occasionally the replicas fall far enough behind that there are no appropriate candidates (or more likely, the observer hasn't run recently enough) and a query will be routed to the primary (default).



  1. Postgres (brew install postgres) -- Note: the names of some
    WAL-related functions changed in Postgres 10, and therefore this program
    requires Postgres 10 or above to run.
  2. Ruby (brew install ruby)
  3. forego (brew install forego)

So we can see some real replication in action, the program should be run against a small cluster of a primary and some number of read replicas. This script will use an existing Postgres installation to bring up a new primary on a non-standard port (5433 by default) and a set of replicas (5 by default) that stream from it:

forego run scripts/create_cluster

Issuing Ctrl+C will stop the cluster. The script's contents are pretty easy to read, so you should take a look to make sure it's not doing anything untowards. Default configuration for NUM_REPLICAS and POSTGRES_PORT can be found in .env.

Install dependencies, create a database and schema, and start running the processes:

bundle install
createdb -p 5433 rocket-rides-scalable
psql -p 5433 rocket-rides-scalable < schema.sql
forego start

Development & testing

Install dependencies, create a test database and schema, and then run the test suite:

createdb -p 5433 rocket-rides-scalable-test
psql -p 5433 rocket-rides-scalable-test < schema.sql
forego run bundle exec rspec spec/
Extracted from project README
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