
MIT License


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This is a project based on the original Rocket Rides repository to demonstrate what it might look like to implement a robust log-based architecture. See the associated article for full details.

The core api process publishes records to a Redis stream in the same transaction (with the help of the streamer) that it uses to persist its canonical data to Postgres so that the system can provide a strong guarantee that information in the log is indeed correct. Consumers read the stream and calculate a result while persisting their location in it in their own transaction.


If you look in Procfile, you'll see these processes:

  • api: The main Rocket Rides API. It responds to requests, writes canonical data to Postgres, and stages records for emission into the unified log.

  • streamer: Reads staged jobs in batches and writes them to a Redis stream (the unified log). The staging indirection means that if a transaction in the api rolls back, no invalid data will be left in the Redis stream.

  • consumer: A consumer reads records from a Redis stream and tracks the aggregate total distance of all rides that have ever been made. It persists its location in the stream so that it can start where it left off in case of a crash.

    We run two copies of the consumer do demonstrate that even with failure artificially induced in the system, the architecture is robustness enough so that any number of independent consumers will always agree on the same result.

  • simulator: Randomly issues requests to the api. This creates new rides of random distance and gives streamer and consumer a chance to do something.

After you run forego start you should see the simulator issuing jobs against api right away. This will stage records in Postgres that the streamer will post into a Redis stream. You'll see the consumers start to pick these up and print their calculated total_distance into the console.

The system is built to simulate failure to demonstrate its correctness. 10% of the time, the streamer will fail after posting records into the stream, which will cause it to retry the operation and double-send those records. Likewise, 10% of the time each consumer will fail after calculating its new total distance, but before getting a chance to persist its stream location. Despite these problems, if you wait long enough, both consumers will always eventually reach consensus and produce correct totals.



  1. Postgres (brew install postgres)
  2. Ruby (brew install ruby)
  3. forego (brew install forego)

The last requirement is the streams branch of Redis (as of Oct 30th, 2017 this feature is not yet in unstable or released):

git clone
cd redis
git checkout streams
redis-server --port 6388

Install dependencies, create a database and schema, and start running the processes:

bundle install
createdb rocket-rides-log
psql rocket-rides-log < schema.sql
forego start

Development & testing

Install dependencies, create a test database and schema, and then run the test suite:

bundle install
createdb rocket-rides-log-test
psql rocket-rides-log-test < schema.sql
bundle exec rspec spec/