
Useful Selectize.js form control tag with autocomplete, create and edit items by ajax.

MIT License



Useful Selectize.js form control tag with autocomplete, create and edit items by ajax.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'selectize-ajax'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install selectize-ajax

In your application.js, include the following:

//= require selectize-ajax

In your application.css, include the following:

*= require selectize-ajax


For example you want create dropdown control for choosing post category

selectize_ajax_tag f.object, :category_id, collection: Category.collection

This code generate simple selectize dropdown. The collection should be the following:

  { value: <id>, label: <title> },
def self.collection do |category|
    { label: category.title, value: }


For use ajax autocomplete you must add path for search:

selectize_ajax_tag f.object, :category_id, collection_path: categories_autocomplete_path

By default search param is q, if you want use other param you need set search_param for control.

Add new item

You can add new item from modal window. For this you need:

  1. Add path and modal target to selectize control
  2. Create modal and action on controller
<%= selectize_ajax_tag f.object, :category_id,
    collection: Category.collection,
    add_path: new_category_path,
    add_modal: '#new-category-modal'

Bootstrap modal window

      Create new category

    = simple_form_for(@category_form, url: categories_path,
      data: { target: '#new-category-modal' }, remote: true) do |f|

Controller action after success create new record should return json:

def create
  render json: { label: record.title, value: }

After that, the modal will close and the new record will be selected on dropdown.

Edit selected item

For edit selected item you should add new modal and edit action path.

<%= selectize_ajax_tag f.object, :category_id,
    collection: Category.collection,
    add_path: new_category_path,
    add_modal: '#new-category-modal',
    edit_path: edit_category_path(@category),
    edit_modal: '#edit-category-modal'

WARNING: if you want use edit_path and do not have record id for generate link path you need use following templates:

  • Replace ID to string {{id}} - edit_category_path(id: '{{id}}')
  • Or use edit_category_path(id: f.object.category_id || '{{id}}')
  • Or write hardcoded path without rails hepler '/category/{{id}}/edit' (not recomended)

Script automaticly will be replace {{id}} param to selected value.

All options

Parameter Values Default
label string From object
value mixed From object
placeholder string --
wrap_class string | false --
wrap_class_only true | false false
label_class string --
input_html[class] string --
required true | false From object
collection array []
add_modal string --
add_path string --
add_button_text string I18n.t('selectize_ajax.add_button_text')
add_button_class string --
edit_path string --
edit_modal string --
edit_button_text string I18n.t('selectize_ajax.edit_button_text')
edit_button_class string --
horizontal true | false true
collection_path string --
search_param string q


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.