
A new plugin for creating Rails applications targeted for iPhones. A successor to rails_iui

OTHER License



A Rails toolkit for creating applications optimized for Mobile Safari, iPhone, and the iPhone touch. Based on the iUI look and feel library.


Contact the author at noelrappin at gmail.com


This plugin uses jQuery to manage it's JavaScript needs. The jRails plugin (http://ennerchi.com/projects/jrails) is recommended -- it converts Rails Prototype/Scriptaculous helpers to jQuery.

After installing the plugin, perform

rake tank_engine:install

to copy the public assets (images, javascript, and CSS) to the public folder.

Tank engine places an iPhone layout file in app/views/layouts/application.iphone.erb.

Controller Usage

The module ActionController::IphoneController adds support for recognizing Mobile Safari as the :iphone pseudo-MIME type.

In your controller (can be ApplicationController) add the line


By default, the following requests are redirected to the iphone format.

  • Requests with a user agent including "Mobile Safari". To change this default, pass the option :ignore_iphone_user_agent => true to acts_as_iphone_controller.

  • Requests which end in ".iphone". To change this default, pass the option :format => to acts_as_iphone_controller.

  • Requests to a subdomain "iphone". To change this default, pass the option :subdomain => to acts_as_iphone_controller.

The option :test_mode => true will cause all requests to be treated as iPhone requests.

To capture these requests, you can use :iphone as part of a respond_to block:

respond_to do |format| format.html # show.html.erb format.xml { render :xml => @feature } format.iphone end

The file extension for the view is .iphone.erb

The module TankEngineHelper provides a number of helper methods for creating iPhone structures in your views.

When this plugin is installed, form builders have a new helper "toggle" that creates an iPhone style toggle switch.

Copyright (c) 2008 Noel Rappin, released under the MIT license