
advent of code 2016 in rust

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Advent Of Code 2016: Tutorial Solutions in Rust

Copyright (c) 2016 Bart Massey

Herein lie solutions to all of the problems of the 2016 Advent of Code. Advent of Code is a fantastic exercise, and I thank the author and others involved profusely for their excellent work. Thanks also to relsqui for pointing me at this last year.

The solutions are in directories named day01 through day25. For each solution, I have included commented and cleaned-up Rust code. There is a in every problem directory containing descriptions, comments and usage instructions. I have also included the problem descriptions ( and and my specific input.txt for posterity.

There is also a libaoc directory containing a library used by all solutions. It includes a mishmash of AoC-specific stuff and generally-useful functionality. Please see the libaoc rustdoc for the details.

There is a talk in that says some things about all this.

There are not many tests written for this code. I regard passing both parts of a day's problem as strong validation. But more should be there.

I assume you have Rust running on a fast-ish UNIX box with a bunch of memory (although most everything should also work on other operating systems). A few problems are dependent on common extra packages from Cargo.

The goals of these solutions are to:

  • Provide canonical correct solutions with reasonable runtimes.

  • Illustrate reasonable solution strategies.

  • Illustrate the use of Rust in problem-solving.

I learned a ton of Rust and a little bit of software engineering I should already have known writing these.

There's also some engineering infrastructure in the form of the template directory, the and shell scripts and the libaoc crate. This sped up each day's setup considerably. At the beginning of day 34 I would "sh 34". At the end of the day I would select and copy the page source of the day 34 AoC page and then

xclip -selection CLIPBOARD -out | sh ../

to get markdown into the problem files for posterity.

These solutions deserve a much more thorough top-level description than I have the energy to write at this point. I will revise this file in the indefinite future.

There is more refactoring that should be done. Specifically:

  • The try_pat() function of days 21 and 22 should be
    pulled to libaoc and used in other parts as well.

I have run everything through Clippy at this point, and taken much of its advice. I have generally left idiomatic loops alone, as the iterator versions suggested by Clippy seem less clear to me. It was gratifying to see the last three days' solutions pass Clippy without warning: apparently I learned some Rust.

I am a novice Rust programmer. Feedback and pull requests are extremely welcome! Let me know what I should have done, and I'll try to make it right.

This work is licensed under the "MIT License". Please see the file COPYING in the source distribution of this software for license terms.

Update 2022-09-02: Revisited this code after getting automatically warned that some of the ancient crate dependencies I'd used had security issues. Upgraded and updated everything, within reason. Added a new library libcapturesat to paper over a breaking regex crate change; added an update directory with the shell scripts I used to quickly go through all 25 days.

I also updated the MD5 digest stuff from rust-crypto, which is very stale and has security warnings, to md-5, which is apparently fine.

Hopefully it's better now. I tagged the revision from 2017 as v2 if you want to see the old stuff.