
Advent of code challenges

CC0-1.0 License


Advent of Code

Welcome to my first advent of code attempt!

Main aim here is learning, trying things as a beginner in Rust and sharpening my R skills. I also hope to try the challenges in different languages such as Python at some stage.

To check that the code is reproducible and to generate a few summary statistics for each solution, the file is generated with the literate programming system Quarto. This allows benchmarking of each solution using the hyperfine Rust crate and command line tool, plus information on the number of lines of code written to solve the problem in each attempt, with the cloc tool.

To reproduce the results take a look at the contents of README.qmd which contains all the code needed to reproduce the results by running code in the subfolders and run the benchmarks.

The whole point of this is learning and sharing so any comments/suggestions/other on these attempts very welcome. Many thanks to Dustin Carlino who gave me some help on the Rust code, and to Andrea Gilardi whose R solutions I part copied (and wholy copied to show how much faster their solution was than mine)!


directory Benchmark (seconds) N. code files Lines of code Lines of comments
rust//day01 0.048 2 49 10
rust//day02 0.053 2 55 23
rust//day02_part2 0.048 2 69 37


directory Benchmark (seconds) N. code files Lines of code Lines of comments
R//day01 1.410 1 12 2
R//day01-agila5 0.181 1 9 2

Reproduce the results:

cd rust/day01
cargo run
   Compiling human_format v1.0.3
   Compiling day01 v0.1.0 (/home/robin/learning/advent-of-code/rust/day01)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.67s
     Running `target/debug/day01`
11.73 M calories carried by
259 elves
71124 calories carried by the elf with the most
That was elf # 113!
The top 3 elves are:
Elf #113 with 71124 calories
Elf #124 with 67422 calories
Elf #182 with 66093 calories
In total the top 3 elves carried 204639 calories
cd rust/day02
cargo run
   Compiling day02 v0.1.0 (/home/robin/learning/advent-of-code/rust/day02)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.48s
     Running `target/debug/day02`
Total points: 10404
# cd rust/day03