
The Aeruginous Open Source Development Toolbox.

GPL-3.0 License



  1. License
  2. Dependencies
  3. Introduction
  4. Installation
  5. Supported Subcommands
    1. cff-create
    2. cffreference
    3. ⚠️ cff-release-today (deprecated)
    4. comment-changes
    5. complain
    6. increment-version
    7. mkcws
    8. ronlog
    9. rs2md
    10. uncrlf

The current code coverage is 74.05%.


This project's license is GPL-3.0. The whole license text can be found in LICENSE in the repository root. The brief version is as follows:

Copyright (C) 2023 Kevin Matthes

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


GitHub Actions

  • baptiste0928/cargo-install

  • fregante/setup-git-user


  • [aeruginous_io]

  • [anstyle]

  • [cargo_lock]

  • [chrono]

  • [clap]

  • [git2]

  • [indexmap]

  • [quick_xml]

  • [ron]

  • [serde]

  • [sysexits]

  • [toml]


aeruginous is a Rust application providing several development utilities.

When searching a name for this project, one main requirement was to reflect both the originally intended main purpose of tracking time as well as the coding language this CLI is written in, Rust. The adjective aeruginous fulfills both criteria as it means that the described noun has patina, a special form of rust which appears after a certain period of time has passed.

Originally, it was planned to be a time tracking CLI but during the development of the first stable version, certain common tasks needed to be fulfilled repeatedly. Since the application already had a somehow stable calling interface, the solutions to these tasks were added as subcommands to aeruginous in order to provide a convenient and time efficient automation. One major advantage of doing so is the reduced maintenance effort and overall setup overhead because there is only one project to maintain instead multiple ones.

This is how the idea arose to design aeruginous to be a toolbox instead of only a time tracker.


To download the latest stable version from, run the following command.

cargo install aeruginous

To install the latest nightly version from sources, Cargo also supports the installation from the current repository state.

cargo install --git

Supported Subcommands


To be called with:

  • cffcreate
  • cff-create
  • mkcff

To be installed with:

  • -F cff-create

This mode will analyse a given project manifest and create an initial CITATION.cff from it. Please note that the result does not necessarily validate such that further adjustments are recommended.

Supported manifest formats are:

  • Cargo.toml (rs)


To be called with:

  • cffref
  • cff-ref
  • cffreference
  • cff-reference

CFF makes software citable. Projects exposing a CITATION.cff can be cited with APA plain text citations, BibTeX database entries, and also in another CITATION.cff's list of references.

This subcommand grabs the citation information of the named source CFF file and pastes it at the end of the given output file.

If the input file is omitted, the input information are attemted to be read from [std::io::Stdin]. Likewise, omitting the output file will cause cffreference to write to [std::io::Stdout].


⚠️ This mode is deprecated. Please use increment-version instead. ⚠️

To be called with:

  • cffrel
  • cff-rel
  • cffreleasetoday
  • cff-release-today

This subcommand will set the release date in the given CITATION.cff to the present day.


To be called with:

  • changelog
  • comment-changes

It is a good practice to document changes to the code base in a CHANGELOG. This mode will read the recent commit messages and try to create a fragment for the CHANGELOG.

This mode requires the specification of a delimiter separating the CHANGELOG category from an entry for that category. The application will browse the Git history for commits which contain that delimiter in their messages and split those messages at the first occurence of that delimiter; users are free to choose whether to prefer the commits' summaries or their bodies, defaulting to the former. The count of commits to harvest can be controlled by either an exact number, a commit SHA to stop at, or by omitting any stop condition to consider all commits in the entire history. Each commit which does not contain the given delimiter in its message will be skipped. The resulting CHANGELOG fragment will be stored either in the current working directory or in the given alternative directory. The file name will consist of a time stamp, the configured Git username, and some information on the current branch. The file format can be either reStructured Text (RST), Markdown (MD), or the Rusty Object Notation (RON). At option, hyperlinks can be specified.

As an example, a repository might contain these four commits:

  1. Added ::= source file ``_
  2. Added ::= source file ``_
  3. Update
  4. Fixed ::= known bug in ``_

To extract the changes from only these four commits, the application would need to be called with the following command.

aeruginous comment-changes \
  -d ::= \
  -n 4 \
  -o directory/ \
  -l -t src/ \
  -l -t src/ \
  -l -t src/

If this command is invoked by a user named Emma Xample on 1st January 1970 at 01.23 am with the branch example/test being checked out, the resulting fragment will be stored as directory/19700101_012345_Emma_Xample_test.rst. The file contents will be the following:

..  src/
..  src/
..  src/


- source file ``_

- source file ``_


- known bug in ``_


To be called with:

  • complain

This application mode is a little linter to check whether the following requirements are met:

  1. Every file needs to be terminated by a line feed.
  2. Files must not contain CRLFs.
  3. Lines shall have a width of at most n characters.
  4. Trailing white space characters must be removed.
  5. Lines have to be indented by spaces / tabs.
  6. Spaces and tabs must not be mixed for indentation.
  7. Within any line, there shall not be any tab character.

All rules can be ignored, the line width as well as the indentation unit can be configured. Every violation is reported to [std::io::Stderr] with the number of the rule being highlighted using the following colours.

Colour Meaning
green easy to fix
yellow moderate difficulty of fixing
red major changes required to fix

After all rules have been checked for one file, a summary will be written to [std::io::Stderr] consisting of an ASCII art crab as this application is written in Rust, the number of violations, as well as the file name.


To be called with:

  • incver
  • inc-ver
  • incrementversion
  • increment-version

This subcommand will increment the hard-coded version strings in the given files by the specified version range.


To be called with:

  • mkcws

To be installed with:

  • -F mkcws

IDEs based on the source code of Visual Studio Code have the interesting feature of keeping the current editor view across subsequent sessions. When starting the IDE, it will restore the latest state in order to enable a seamless continuation of work. Users are allowed to export the current view as a Code Workspace to save their access to multiple editor states. These Code Workspaces are configuration files using a JSON-based notation in order to store information on the Workspace's root directory as well as some optional settings unique to that particular Workspace.

Usually, operating systems can be configured regarding the default application for handling a certain file type. This also holds for Code Workspaces. If the operating system is set to open Code Workspaces with a Visual Studio Code-like IDE, the Code Workspaces can be used as project launching shortcuts for a convenient user expericence with the IDE.

This application mode aims to simplify the creation of new Code Workspace files by the provision of a rather simple and intuitive command line interface to define a minimal and valid Code Workspace from scratch.


To be called with:

  • ronlog

This mode will collect the RON fragments created by comment-changes and assemble them to a RON CHANGELOG.

A RONLOG consists of multiple sections, sorted descendingly by the respective versions they are documenting. New sections are inserted into that sorted list without breaking the sorting. For example, if a particular RONLOG should contain sections for some versions v1.0.0, v0.2.0, and v0.1.0, a new section on v0.3.0 would be inserted between v1.0.0 and v0.2.0.


To be called with:

  • rs2md

Source code should always be documented. Rust's documentation system supports Markdown syntax in documentation comments. Thus, it is a convenient decision to create a Rust project's README file from the crate root's documentation. This command is also helpful to check the documentation comments for typos.

When called, the subcommand accepts a list of input files to read from. If no input file is given, rs2md will read from [std::io::Stdin]. At option, an output file can be specified where the results will be written to. If omitted, the results will be written to [std::io::Stdout].

Users are free to choose whether they would like to extract Rust comments starting with //! (outer comments) or comments starting with /// (inner comments). If neither option is given, nothing will be extracted.


To be called with:

  • uncrlf

Source code should have a uniform appearance. Some text editors terminate lines by Carriage Return Line Feeds (CRLFs, \r\n). This subcommand will remove those from the given file.