
Rasterization using compute shaders



This is a basic implementation of a rasterizer using compute shaders and wgpu.


  1. Typed GPU buffers.

From the CPU side I was able to utilize Rust type system and awesome crate bytemuck to have typed GPU buffers.

WebGPU (and any other graphics API) has strict rules for memory alignment. Vec3 vector types having size of 12 (3 * size_of(f32)) bytes has an alignment of 16, same as Vec4. And for Rust, all structs have to be marked as #[repr(C)] it prevents from shuffling fields for the sake of size optimization and the alighment checked by Pod and Zeroable traits provided by bytemuck.

  1. Render one fullscreen triangle instead of quad.

Having to render a fullscreen quad (or something that fills the whole screen required in present.wgsl shader to copy buffer content on screen.

Advantages of using fullscreen triangle is it only requires 3 vertex shader invocations (instead of 6 for a quad made up of two triangles) and less code(but not simpler).

fn vs_main_trig([[builtin(vertex_index)]] vertex_idx: u32) -> VertexOutput {
  let uv = vec2<u32>((vertex_idx << 1u) & 2u, vertex_idx & 2u);
  let out = VertexOutput(vec4<f32>(1.0 - 2.0 * vec2<f32>(uv), 0.0, 1.0));
  return out;
  1. More types in shaders

I also tried to simplify buffer access by creating Pixel struct, but that didn't work well, because we can't currently have atomic operations and types on non scalar types by wgsl spec.

  let p = color_buffer.value[index];

  let pixel = pixel_to_vec(p);

  let col = vec4<f32>(pixel, 1.0);


  let index = u32(X + Y * uniforms.screenWidth) * 3u;

  let R = f32([index + 0u]) / 255.0;
  let G = f32([index + 1u]) / 255.0;
  let B = f32([index + 2u]) / 255.0;

  let finalColor = vec4<f32>(R, G, B, 1.0);

Also I tried to add look_at camera, but currently didn't get any success in it.