
A web frontend to libpcap spool directories as produced by tcpdump or daemonlogger.

MIT License



Dumpy is a simple to install, and simple to use web frontend for PCAP spool file directories such as those produced by Suricata.


  1. First configure and start a tool like Suricata, or daemonlogger to write
    PCAP files to a directory such as /data/capture.
  2. Download a Dumpy binary package (https://github.com/jasonish/dumpy/releases)
    or build from source. Note: Requires libpcap to be installed.
  3. Configure:
    1. Choose a directory where the dumpy.yaml configuration file will
      exist and change to that directory. For now, lets use ~/dumpy.
    2. Tell Dumpy where to find the PCAP directory using the dumpy config
      command, for example:
      dumpy config spool add default /data/capture
    3. Optionally add a user, if you don't authentication won't be required.
      dumpy config passwd username password
  4. Start Dumpy:
    dumpy server
  5. Then point your browser at http://:7000/

Other Installation Options

With Cargo

Latest Release

cargo install dumpy

Latest Git Master

cargo install --git https://github.com/jasonish/dumpy

Installation from crates.io will become available after 0.4.0 is released.

Suricata Configuration

For Dumpy to be of much use you will need a tool to log PCAP files. Suricata can be configured to do this with the pcap-log output:

  - pcap-log:
      enabled: yes
      filename: log.pcap
      limit: 256mb
      max-files: 1000
      compression: none
      mode: normal
      dir: /data/capture

Or using multi-threaded mode where each worker thread will write to its own file in hopes to improve performance:

  - pcap-log:
      enabled: yes
      filename: log.pcap.%n.%t
      limit: 256mb
      max-files: 250
      compression: none
      mode: multi
      dir: /data/capture

Optimizations exist for processing directories with the filename patterns above, however most any patterns should work, however Dumpy may not be able to eliminate files from being read if the above patterns are not followed.

Alternative: tcpdump

Even tcpdump can be used to generate a spool directory of PCAP files:

tcpdump -w /data/captures/pcap.%s -G 3600 -s0 -i enp10s0

Note the -G parameter and the %s in the filename. With the above command tcpdump will open a new files every hour and the filename will be prefixed with the unix timestamp in seconds.

Note: You will have to take care of cleaning up old files.


Building Dumpy requires Rust and Cargo to be install, then simply:

cargo build


TLS can be enabled through the dumpy config command but you will first need TLS certificate and key files.

A self-signed certificate and key and be created with openssl:

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -sha256 
      -days 365 -nodes -subj '/CN=localhost'

Then TLS can be enabled in Dumpy with the following command:

dumpy config set tls.cert cert.pem
dumpy config set tls.key cert.key
dumpy config set tls.enabled true