
Display speed and realtime stops of the TGV inoui you are in



Display information about your train (only inoui TGV): speed and stops (possibily with delay).

This tool can be combined with other tools (in my case with waybar).

It requires to be connected to the train’s wifi.


You need a rust toolchain. I suggest using rustup.

Compile with:

cargo build --release

The executable will be in target/release/inouifi.

Copy it somewhere in your path (personnaly, I use ~/Apps):

cp target/release/inouifi ~/Apps


The executable has four commands

inouifi connected: display whether you are connected to the train wifi. Returns 0 if connected, 1 otherwise. Use --quiet to only have the return code.

inouifi speed: display your current speed. Use --no-unit if you just want the value in km/h.

inouifi stops: all the stops and expected time. It should display real time if your train is delayed, and also added/removed stops (hasn’t been tested — I was lucky on my journey).

inouifi waybar: a format suited for waybar. It displays the speed and shows the stops as a tooltip.

Here is way waybar configuration:

"custom/train": {
      "exec-if": "$HOME/Apps/inouifi connected --quiet",
      "exec": "$HOME/Apps/inouifi waybar",
      "interval": 2,
      "format": "{} km/h",
      "return-type": "json"



It was coded on one trip and hasn’t be really tested in the wild. Feedback welcome!