
a journey to the unexplored planet Teegarden b

AGPL-3.0 License


Mission to Teegarden b

Welcome to a journey to the unexplored planet Teegarden b, to find a new home for humanity. Robots were sent to the planets surface for exploration. Program these robots from the safety of your spaceship, by using your pybadge.

Installation (Pc):

Mission to Teegarden b is available at the following repositories:

Prebuild binaries can also be downloaded from the GitHub release. On Unix system the binary must may be marked as executable by running chmod u+x mission2teegarden-b afer unpacking the zip archive. On Linux the following dependencies are needed. Regular these are already installed.

Mission to Teegarden b is only tested on Arch Linux and Ubuntu. MacOS and Windows versions complie sucessfull but are untested. Supressing standby on MacOS is temporary disable, see #157.

Building from source:

Alternative you can easily build Mission to Teegarden b by yourself:

  • On Linux, install the following development dependencies. On some distros (like Alpine and Debian), separate development packages exist, regular suffixed with -dev. If this is the case, make sure that you have also installed the *-dev version.

  • Install rust

  • Download and unpack the source code.

  • Run cargo install --path pc --locked inside the unpacked folder, to build and install mission2teegarden-b. See the rust book for more information about cargo install.

  • Make sure that ~/.cargo/bin is listed in the PATH environment variable otherwise, the mission2teegarden-b executable can not be found.

Flash Pybadge:

  • Install an UF2 flasher. I recommend using hf2-cli.
  • Download and unpack Pybadge binary from GitHub release.
  • Press the reset button of the pybdage twice, to enter the bootloader.
  • After this, execute hf2 elf mission2teegarden-b-pybadge.elf (or the corresponding command of your flashing tool) to flash the binary to the pybadge.
  • Press the reset button again.

Building from source:

Alternative you can build m3 by yourself:

  • Install rustup
  • Install hf2-cli flasher.
  • Install the rust thumbv7em-none-eabihf target (the architecture of the pybadge) by executing rustup target install thumbv7em-none-eabihf.
  • Optional: install nightly toolchain for better error messages at the pybadge. rustup toolchain install nightly --target thumbv7em-none-eabihf
  • Download and unpack the source code (if not already done).
  • Press the reset button of the pybadge twice to enter bootloader
  • Compile and flash program by running cargo +nightly run --release -locked inside the downloaded pybadge folder. +nightly is optional and have to be left out if the install nightly toolchain step was skip. Please use +nightly for bug reports.
  • Press the reset button again.

Map/Level Editor:

Mission to Teegarden b allow creating custom maps/levels, by using the powerfull Tiled Map editor. See here for more information about creating maps.