
The testing toolkit.

EUPL-1.2 License


Specsheet is the software testing toolkit.

Specsheet is a command-line utility that abstracts over the general testing pattern: running commands, examining their output, and collecting the results.

It can be used to test software, your computing environment, your cloud servers, and other things.

Running modes

  • -c, --syntax-check: don’t run, just check the syntax of the input documents
  • -C, --list-commands: don’t run, just list the commands that would be executed
  • -l, --list-checks: don’t run, just list the checks that would be run
  • --list-tags: don’t run, just list the tags defined in the input documents
  • -random-order: run the checks in the random order
  • -continual: run checks indefinitely
  • -delay=DURATION: amount of time to delay between checks
  • -j, --threads=NUM: number of threads to use in parallel
  • -O, --option=KEY=VAL: set a global option, or override something in the environment
  • -R, --rewrite=THIS->THAT: add a rule to rewrite values in input documents
  • -z, --analysis: run analysis after running checks if there are errors

Side process options

  • -x, --exec=CMD: process to run in the background during execution
  • --exec-delay=DURATION: wait an amount of time before running checks
  • --exec-port=PORT: wait until a TCP port becomes open before running checks
  • --exec-file=FILE: wait until a file exists before running checks
  • --exec-line=REGEX: wait until the process outputs a string before running checks
  • --exec-kill-signal=SIGNAL: signal to send the background process after finishing

Filtering options

  • -t, --tags: comma-separated list of tags to run
  • --skip-tags: comma-separated list of tags to skip
  • -T, --types: comma-separated list of check types to run
  • --skip-types: comma-separated list of check types to skip

Console output options

  • -s, --successes: how to show successful results (hide, show, expand)
  • -f, --failures: how to show failed results (hide, show, expand)
  • --summaries=SHOW: when to show the summary lines (hide, show)
  • -P, --print: change the output format (ansi, dots, json-lines, tap)
  • --color, --colour=WHEN: when to colourise the output

Results document options

  • --html-doc=PATH: produce an output HTML document
  • --json-doc=PATH: produce an output JSON document
  • --toml-doc=PATH: produce an output TOML document

Specsheet is written in Rust. You will need rustc version 1.42.0 or higher. The recommended way to install Rust for development is from the official download page, using rustup.

Once Rust is installed, you can compile Specsheet with Cargo:

$ cargo build
$ cargo test
  • The just command runner can be used to run some helpful development commands, in a manner similar to make. Run just --tasks to get an overview of what’s available.

  • If you are compiling a copy for yourself, be sure to run cargo build --release or just build-release to benefit from release-mode optimisations. Copy the resulting binary, which will be in the target/release directory, into a folder in your $PATH. /usr/local/bin is usually a good choice.

  • To compile and install the manual pages, you will need pandoc. The just man command will compile the Markdown into manual pages, which it will place in the target/man directory. To use them, copy them into a directory that man will read. /usr/local/share/man is usually a good choice.

Specsheet is licenced under the European Union Public Licence.