
Demo API written in Rust with Actix-web and Diesel


Rust superheros api

Demo API written in Rust with Actix-web and Diesel. A simple Continuous Integration was configured as an example.

Managing the application

All commands must be run from the root of the project.

Run the application

docker-compose up -d

Stop the application

docker-compose down

Rebuild the application

docker-compose up -d --build

Integration tests

cd robotframework && docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/reports:/opt/robotframework/reports:Z -v $(pwd)/tests:/opt/robotframework/tests:Z -e BROWSER=firefox --shm-size=2g --network=host ppodgorsek/robot-framework:latest

Local setup to get a faster feedback loop

Rust and Cargo must be installed. The Postgres database will be run using a docker container.

Create a local postgres db:

echo "DATABASE_URL=postgres://uggla:superheros@localhost/superheros" >.env
docker run -d -p 5432:5432 -v $PWD/data:/tmp/data -e POSTGRES_USER=uggla -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=superheros --name superheros postgres
diesel setup

Populate DB

diesel migration run

Building the application

System must be connected to the internet in order to get the required crates (packages). The compilation can be long depending on system configuration.

Debug version

cargo build

Release version

cargo build --release

Running the application

Debug version

cargo run

Release version

cargo run --release